From the Vote Again in 2010 blog (
"Students and other millennials are an important and growing portion of the electorate. They will be 20% of the voting age population in 2010, up from 17% in 2008. They are much more progressive than the population as a whole, and will increasingly become the key voting block among the electorate. Yet they remain significantly underrepresented among registered voters."This means that as young people, your generation holds one fifth of the potential voting power in the nation, but will only express a fraction of that power at the polls this election year. Youth tend to vote similarly on issues that mean the most to them (civil liberties, war and education ranking highest among those concerns). Those who do "rock the vote" may be discouraged by the inaction among public officials on "youth issues", leading to an even less impressive young voter turnout in the following election. This cycle could certainly have dire implications on your generation's quality of life. Our first assignment for this class aims to identify the causes and consequences of apathy and inaciton among young voters.
Task: Compose an informed, opinionated blog discussing the reasons why young people should vote
and/ or explore the reasons why young people may believe that their vote is irrelevant.
Directions: Consider the questions introduced in today's class through the framework of the "Vote Again in 2010" contest. Post a response to each of the following three questions for a total of no fewer than 250 words. Review the
blog post rubric on this site to ensure success with this assignment.
1. This fall elections will be held in New York to determine who will serve as Govenor, Attourney General and as Congressmen/ women.
If you were/ are eligible, do you plan to vote in 2010? Why or why not?2.
Why should young people vote? What are some other meaningful ways for young people to engage in politics?
How do you plan to inspire participation in our democracy? If you're not inspired to participate, what changes in society might motivate you to become a more politically active citizen?
This assignment is due tuesday at the begining of class (this gives you time for religious and/ or memorial observances you may be taking part in this weekend). Please remember to bring in your signed class contract and media release form on Monday, September 13.
You may view the video and get some ideas for responses at the contest website:
***The Voteagain2010 video will not work on the school server, so be sure to complete this assignment at home or in your local library. I've conveniently listed a link to the New York Public Library's schedule and locations here:
(Note: you do not need a library card to use a public library computer, any photo ID will suffice.)
Extra Credit (up to 20 test or project points)is available to any student(s) who complete a Vote Again in 2010 contest entry and post it to the Internet by October 8. See me for details.