Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Comparative Government Human Rights Film Trailer Study

In order to help you think through the format of your Political Issue Documentary or Feature trailer project, you and your Production Team are asked to view and analyze at least SIX trailers from the links below. You must view at least two documentary and two feature trailers. These should be a mix of ametur and professionally produced films.

Features (trailers available for view in large format at www.movies.yahoo.com click on “trailers” or, simply google the title of the film and trailer " ___________ trailer"):

City of God - street children in Brazil
Paradise Now- suicide bombing and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Maria Full of Grace- drug trafficking
Osama- women's rights in Afghanistan
Bread and Roses- immigrant worker rights/ labor organizing USA
The Last King of Scotland - dictatorship of Idi Amin in Uganda
Human Trafficking - self explanatory
Taken- Human Trafficking
Slumdog Millionaire- poverty, the caste system and child rights in India
Blood Diamonds- conflict diamonds from Sierra Leone

The Cove: Dolphin slaughter and illegal fishing practices in Japan

God Grew Tired of Us: children of war in Sudan: http://www.spout.com/films/God_Grew_Tired_of_Us/261762/921795/trailers.aspx

Born Into Brothels – young women born into sex trafficking in India

Sicko: Health care in US and Canada

Afghan Star: investigates how increased access to free speech and the growing popularity of POP IDOL is informing cultural values in Post-Taliban Afghanistan

The Dark Side of Chocolate: Child labor and trafficking in Africa:

The Price of Sugar: Child labor and trafficking in Haiti and Domincan Republic

Inheritance - an American woman comes to terms with the Nazi roots of her family's wealth: http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2008/inheritance/index.html

Various POV doucmentaries are available for view at: http://www.pbs.org/pov/filmarchive.php

Several SHORT documentaries concerning global human rights issues are available for view at:www.mediathatmattersfest.org

Rights on the Line - Immigrant Rights:

Bread: Poverty in Guatemala:

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