Thursday, January 13, 2011

Final Video Project Presentation Questions

1) Describe the issue you selected to make the topic of your film. Why is this a human rights issue? What impact is it having on your nation(s) of focus? Use concrete details to support your answer.

2) What political system is in place in your nation of study? Describe the structure of power, leadership and state of human rights in general in this nation. Be specific and current in your response.

3. Compare the system of government in your nation of focus with one other nation that we studied in class this year. How are they similar/ different?

3. To what extent does the political system in place in your nation of study contribute to the human rights issue featured in your video? What is the government doing to either contribute to the problem or it’s solution. What barriers does the nation and it’s people face in the struggle to resolve this problem?

4. What group(s) rights are most directly violated by this issue? Is this problem widespread or only affecting a minority population within your nation of focus? Explain.

5. Does your issue of focus require a domestic or international resolution? Identify and evaluate one international or one domestic program to alleviate this problem.

6. Identify two editing techniques employed in your video project. How did you achieve these effects? To what extent did these effects fulfill the creative vision of your project?

7. If given a “do over” for this assignment, what would you do differently? Explain.

8. Evaluate the collaboration among members of your production team. How did each member contribute? What challenges did your group face in completing the project? How did you help one another work through those challenges?

9. If you saw the trailer for your film on TV, would you be compelled to see it in the theatre? Why or why not?

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