Monday, October 25, 2010

Or does the tail wag the dog? A case study in media and American politics

This week our work will focus on the role of the media in US government and the upcoming 2010 election.
Consider the media analysis activities we completed this week and respond to the following questions with no fewer than TWO specific refences to modern media:

Does media reflect or shape/ inform politics in the modern world?
What role does media play in shaping American political and current events?
How is the media affecting the current US presidential race?

Cite/ link any outside sources you use to compose your response. This assignment may be blogged, typed, written or turned into a video or poster project. It must include 250 words and reflect new understandings from our current unit of study.


  1. Media affects/shapes the way people look at political. The media picks out what Americans are upset/angry about and runs with it. I also think that Americans are very easy to mislead because most of us will for anything. With advertisement and campaign ads that may be false, people aren't sure what to believe so they go for what looks best. There currently is a US presidential race but there is other midterm elections going on. Since I am not yet able to vote I haven't really followed how the media has affected this race but I do know that campaign ads whether they are from the candidate themselves or from a supporter of the candidate they help the voters in choosing who they are going to vote for. So far from this unit I have learned that not everything we read in the newspaper and on the internet is true and as a person I most pick out the facts from the lies.

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  3. I believe that the media shapes American politics. When people watch or hear the news people use that to help chose who they will vote for. The media doesn’t only shape people in politics but in all different areas, like which cell phone to buy or which gossip magazine is better to buy, or what brand of food is better to eat. The media affects a bunch of different areas in the world. When a person sees or hears an advertisement on the television or the radio, it helps a person make decisions.
    When a person hears a campaign ad for a president or a senator or a person of that sort, the person will what and listen to what the person running is going to help do. The campaign ads try to persuade people to vote for them so they will win the election. Another way that the media can influence the people is not only on television or the radio but the internet to. If you were to sign on to a popular website like “msn” or “aol” you would probably see an advertisement for an election coming up. When you log on to “msn” there is a bunch of different news articles in politics for upcoming events. This will definitely affect the opinion of a person. People will believe anything they read or hear, there just that gullible. For all we know, what the opponent of the politician can be telling us could be a lie. The campaign ads use persuasion to get the people sucked in.

    Websites used: and and Government class notes

  4. The media shapes politics more than reflects it. This is because the media has more of a influence on the citizens of America than the people running for office do. The media uses slander and false advertisements to lure Americans towards the candidate they are for. When a political candidate has a speech, the media picks at it until they find every little flaw and that is what we hear. When it comes to the current political race, the media does not fail in their attempts to point out all the negatives in the political candidate they oppose. But that is the media for you, always picking at the negatives and never the positives.

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  6. Talon Turner
    October 27, 2010
    Today media is probably the most effective way for politics to get to people. Now people watch campaign ads through television, their computers, phones and even their ipads. As technology increases its easier for people to see politicians and ads. The media has the ability to control the way a nation can think as well as the way a nation can vote. The things people see on their televisions after eating dinner is what influences them. If they see an ad that slanders the Democratic Party, they may want to vote for the Republican Party instead. The media tells us what is important, who should run in an election, how a candidate should appear to the public, and even what to think about an issue. With there being so many ways to get information today, we are influenced to believe what we see and we don’t think about anything else.
    Right now I see the media having a significant role and influencing media. In my government class we’re watching a movie called Wag The Dog. In the movie a group sets up a fake war video and the public eats it up. The fake war got on to the front page and on to television. The fake war video (media) caused the secret service to get involved because the war was having an affect on the presidents election (politics). In today’s current presidential election the media affects the way Americans look at president Barack Obama. The people only see what the media shows of the president. If the media shows Obama signing bills and decreasing the nations deficit it will increase his popularity with the people and increase his chances to be elected again.

  7. The media shapes the way american politics are portrayed as.In D block comparative government we watched wag the dog. it was a movie about a fake war that was going on during the election.This shows that media has a impact to the american people.The media shows the people whats going on in the world of politics and around the world. it tells the american people which canidates are running for office , govener, and senate. Media in presidential debates today tell us what the canidate is running for , what they have done to help this country and other achievements. Many times the opponent will try to make them look bad to win the race. The media tells us whats being done in the white house and what new laws are being passed by the government. Many times if the president is showing that he is making a change in the united states then he is most likely to run again for president and then be elected as president for the second time.
    Ashley Miller
    D block

  8. Adetola Adeosun
    Our government and politics is shaped by media and the media determines what we as a society know about our government, because most people depend on media for their news and current events. When the government wants a certain outcome from the people in America they use the media to target groups of people who would most likely give them the results they need. Many voters don’t have the time to look into politics and history on each and every candidate, so the media weighs a lot in their perspective of a candidate. Many candidates also use the media to target their opponents and tear them apart and they also use ads to gain popularity. For example Chris Coons who is running in the Delaware State Senate election targeted Christine O’Donnell in one of his ad campaigns, referring to her as weird and strange. Another type of media that affects voters that doesn’t come straight from the candidates is newspapers. Prestigious newspapers like the NY Times keep up with the campaigns and report back to the people. An editorial from the New York Times titled “Congressional Choices” states that “the middle class needs the support; the wealthy do not.” Newspapers like these shape the views of the people, especially when their views are practical and stated in an intriguing manner. Media in our country shapes people’s views and determines the next step we take as a society.
    1. Huffington Post “Midterm Election 2010: Campaign Ad Database”
    2. New York Times “Congressional Choices”

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  10. Media is definitely used to shape and influence politics in our world today. We are exposed to the media everywhere we go, whether it is television, radio, or even newspapers. We strongly rely on these sources to keep us updated and aware about the world around, especially what is occurring in our government. Because politicians know how reliant we are on the media, they definitely take advantage of these sources in order to sway voters in elections. These commercials and advertisements help shape our understanding of what the candidates running have to offer. Candidates running for anything from senator to even president, use multiple tactics to encourage the people to vote for the outcome most suitable for them. These candidates will try anything in order to get votes, such as using ‘plain folks’ to target the common person to vote and even ‘name-calling’ to get voters away from their opponent. An example of this is the 2010 Senate election in Delaware. Candidate, Christine O’Donnell, uses ‘glittering generalities’ showing how she is going to get our economy moving and stop bailouts to persuade voters that she is the best choice for the job. People depend greatly on what they are exposed to in the media, which just proves how strong a role media plays in the future of our country.
    -Vanessa Kreytak
    D Block

    1.) Levinson, Barry “Wag the Dog”. New Line Cinemas. 1997.
    2.) "YouTube - 2010 Delaware Senate TV Ad - "Unafraid"" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. .

  11. Ever since the dawn of civilization, the media has had a profound effect on politics because of how easily it affects our thinking. Whenever a major event occurs, we trust the media to deliver the truth to us. Still, we never question the legitimacy of the information that is being fed to us. It is the duty of the media to show us what is actually happening, but unfortunately they can just as easily tell us the wrong thing as they can the right thing.
    The media was created as a way for people to help communicate, spread information, and be in tune with the outside world. As long as a free press remains alive, democracy will not show a sign of collapsing anytime soon.
    Because we are unable to acquire a lot on information, we rely on the press. This system of relaying information however has a small, but noticeable flaw: the way in which the information is relayed to the reader is subject to the personal convictions of the journalist, or the group of people reporting the information. Because the media can shape the story in whatever which way they want as long as it holds a few main principles of truth in account, some news agencies see to it that their political ideas are conveyed in their reporting whether it is a vague hint or a full on endorsement.
    Two excellent examples of media that affect politics come in the form of two different news organizations. Fox News and MSNBC. These two organizations which lean heavily towards conservatives and liberals respectively represent how politics affect the media. Since a lot of people turn on the television to listen only to what they want to hear, these news stations take advantage of that. Fox News for example, with its repeated bashing of the Obama administration has taken a profound role in bringing many conservatives together, and has supported movements such as the Tea party.
    The media however also takes a more informative position on politics. Many political analysts commonly make appearances on television to show where political candidates stand. This supplements a candidates own political self advocacy.
    It is not hard to see that the media not only holds a mirror to politics but when it wants to it can convince a country of people just about anything. It’s horrifying to think that similar events to some of the things shown in the film Wag The Dog might have happened without us never even knowing. News shapes politics, and politics shape the word. Not much can be done to know for sure truth, and truly politically independent news seems like more of a fantasy. But then again, we’re just normal people.

  12. In today’s society media does reflect and shape how the modern world is making its many decisions in politics for the countries future. Media’s most effective way to get people involved with an opinion and informed about politics is through the use of technology and what is broadcasted on television. As the technology advances we can have easier access to current information that is taking place in government, thus far. The media has a lot of influence in how we think today. What is broadcasted on television or on websites can influence our mindsets about politicians and issues occurring in government. Media has the power to show what they’d like us to be exposed to. The media informs us about what is important, who is running in an election, how a candidate will help improve our government, and also where they stand on an issue. The constant commercials, campaign ads, bill boards, news articles, and television programs we are always seeing keeps that constant decision of who we should vote for in mind. When election time comes around the politicians who appeal to that particular person in a beneficial manner within government will most likely be voted upon. As for the president of the United States, the media shows Barack Obama in a positive light. He is shown signing bills lowering national debt and having air time being questioned without preparation for a response, satisfying questions with ideas that may or may not be in affect for ways of improvement. The ideas he has to improve the efficiency of the political system are but spoken words, they have not yet been put into action. This will decrease, or either increases the popularity of the president, and those who believe Barack Obama can produce change will have a set vote when election time comes again, waiting to vote for him.

    -Tiana Rodriguez

  13. The media definitely helps shape and inform politics in the modern world. When watching campaign ads on television, the candidates campaigning can very easily change our opinions of them or another candidate by simply stating one or two things, whether they are true or false. If we hear someone is corrupt on television enough times, eventually we will believe it. The same can be said if we constantly hear that someone is trustworthy or good for the community. Human opinions can be very easily swayed, and they can be swayed even more when what affects those opinions are constantly heard and backed by some facts. One example of this was when an ad from Chris Coons was used against Christine O’Donnell for the Delaware Senate election. The ad successfully made her seem inappropriate for the job because it used name-calling and it also showed Coons’ strengths. The opening, background, and music also made O’Donnell even more ill-fit for Senate. Politics are also heavily influenced from the media. Millions of Americans watch television, making it a very powerful object. Just like it can be used by the government, it can also be used to influence the government. Television influences are likes, dislikes, and opinions. When something is popular, it’s because it was seen on television, in most cases. The government needs make decisions that appeal to the people, so it helps to know what is shown in the media, and what things are most popular, such as ideas. An example of this would be if there was an increased concern in student-teacher ratios, shown in a commercial. The government would begin supporting this idea, and a candidate may begin supporting the idea of fewer students in a class. These are just a few of the ways the media can affect and inform politics in the world.

    Huffington Post “Midterm Election 2010: Campaign Ad Database” “Lawsuit pushing schools to reduce class size”

    Justin Roa, C- Block

  14. Today, the media have a huge impact on politics. The media informs us about upcoming event in politics, and informs the people about presidential, gubernatorial, and senator races. In the film Wag the Dog that we viewed in class, was an example of how the media can affect the government. In the film the government stages a fake war which leads the American people to vote for who they want as president. The media may not go to such great lengths to get the American peoples votes but they do persuade us in many other ways. The media uses ads, articles, and the news to persuade the American people. Television ads are usually the perfect way to get American people’s attention. Most ads tell us what the person people are voting for’s goals, and ideas but they also use slander and talk about what their opponent may be doing. This information can be false and they things they promise may be true, but the media does not have to tell the American people the truth. Recently, I have seen on television ads about the gubernatorial race what they want to do to help NY. Both people running are using slander against their opponent trying to persuade us to vote for them.

    Raven Fakoya

  15. Media in the 21st century has become a part of our everyday lives and most of what we see on TV, Internet, newspapers etc, influences us when we think about certain topics. Politics in particular is and has always been a very important part of media. Media keeps us informed on current events with our government but a lot of times these news stories are subject to bias. This is clear with Fox network and MSN NBC. Fox has always been a conservative network always looking for new ways to make the democrats look bad. One of their most famous and controversial shows is the O'Reilly Factor. Bill O'Reilly is an extreme conservative who has a very strong opinion on certain topics. On the other hand MSN NBC has always been known as being a more liberal news station. This is why media is so dangerous. All the stories start with the people reporting them. And too often these stories are changed around if just slightly due to bias opinions. So yes, media does play a huge role in what we know as politics today because media is our connection between US people and the government. A great example of media affecting politics was the first ever televised debate. It was between John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon. In 1960 the people of the United States sat around there TV to watch for the first time their two presidential candidates battle it out. The debate caught the eyes of over 66 million people throughout the United States. Now, to get to my point if you watch the debate, you notice JFK’s confidence, poise and knowledge on the questions he was given. Nixon on the other hand was sweating, nervous and was just recovering from an illness. No one knew the magnitude of this debate and knew how large of a following it really had. Back in the early to middle 1900’s people didn’t know there candidates as much as we know about ours today. They would hear them on the radio and read about them in the newspaper but they never got to see them live in action. What this first televised debate did was give the American people an inside look at these two men. And unfortunately for Nixon the outcome wasn’t very pretty. What people saw was a nervous man which gave people a negative impression of Nixon. The American people did not want there president to be “nervous and sweaty”. They wanted a confident, knowledgeable man to run there country. That one debate changed politics’ relationship with media tremendously. Now with media, we get a more inside access to your local/international news and current events. The current presidential election will take place in 2012 but preparation never comes too soon. The public image of President Obama has changed from when he was fist inaugurated back on January 20 2009. According to an article I found on daily mail President Obama’s rating has decreased to a staggering 37% approval rate with 67% viewing his Presidency as negative. This is in part due to media influencing politics. What the media says, chances are the people will believe it. Obama is increasingly becoming more unpopular because the media is affecting the way Americans view him. Stations like Fox often call his plans “foolish and a waste of time”. And people listen to what they have to say. The media affects not only politics but the people who watch, read the different types of media that is out there.


  16. In society, media plays a huge role in politics. It is one of the few ways people actually listen and pay attention to what candidates have to say. People based on the candidate is and what they are running for by advertisements that possibly could be false but draw you in anyways because it sounds and looks convincing. The film “Wag The Dog” is a clear example of how society is swayed by media. In the film, the government enacts a fake war which would persuade people to vote for whoever they pleased. Media sugarcoats candidates to show highlights of them and how “they can make a change”. But with experiences with bad politicians you would thing people would be more cautious of media. Well NO that’s not the case because media regardless of what is said, is still the main factor in society’s decision making of any position. People could vote for a governor just because their ads were convincing and appealing, but realize that once that person has that position, they make a terrible mistake when they voted.

    Alyssa Ditre <3

  17. Samantha DiMarco
    Block C

    Today’s media does reflect, shape, and inform politics in the modern world. Through the media, politics are able to state what is going on. They let their ideas and points known through the media. Wither it’s on the radio or the television people will always listen if it’s true or not. People rely upon on the media for information. For example, they watch it for the news or information bout the government.
    The media plays a big role in shaping American politics and current events. The media keep us updated with what’s going on with American politics. American people base their choice on what they see ore hear from the media. In the movie “Wag the Dog” the president was charge for misconduct with a firefly girl. To fix his image, Conrad Brean created a fake war with Albania. This made the people scared and made them not think about the charges against the president. People worried more bout the war then the charges.
    The media is affecting the current US presidential race. All the campaign adds effect the choices of the American people. Ifs it’s true or not people are always following what it is saying about the people that are running. Without the media people would be lost.

  18. the media does effect and change poltics . every one around the world knows that the U.S.A is a place were controversy sells the paper and brings up the sells and makes the big bucks this is why politicians use slander during there debates and campaign ads. this hooks people in some people belive in every thing they see on tv even though the candidates are using propaganda to sway voters under their wing . some say media shapes society i say media is society it tells us what in and out whats lost its touch and whats out of touch. and in politics people ue this infomation to see what the voters want hot issues that voter want resolved and helped. if you ever grace your eyes on fox news or maybe cnn you see how the report issues and news that draws eyes to the tv or on the internet these are highley sucessful media outlets.but they always say the burger is more important then the bun. which means that people want the juicy new the best tasteing news that keeps them comeing for more. in poltics the hurracne makes more news than the normal rain shower. the more the politicians go out there on the lim the more attention you gather.


    Media means everything in politics. Some things said by the government and the president is all seen and heard through the media. Without the media, people will not know what is going on with their own country and with other countries. I believe the media does shape American politics. The media reflects the perspective, gossip, and the decisions of our government.
    The modern world is all about technology these days. The television, internet and radios are ways to involve the people of what is going on. Gossip is a big issue with the media. People likes to be entertained, so television shows, magazines, and newspapers may exaggerate on what is really going on and give a biased opinion to give the people what they want to here. The media is what shapes our society these days. People always know what websites to go to and what shows to watch to always turn to.
    Our government uses the media to show the people what they are doing for us. When it comes to voting, candidates use the media to make ads to convince the people for their vote. Through the media they can explain what they can do for the people and "bad mouth" their opponent. People make up their decisions and opinions through what the media gives, which is affects the presidential race. The media is really all the people has to understand a candidate, but some people are more stronger with words and how to grab people's attention more than others. So if a candidate has more to offer but does not explain through the media, it could ruin their chances of being voted because its really all about being creative. Candidates needs to be creative on how to "bribe" people for their votes. The media can either make them or destroy them and could leave a mark on how poeple could forever think of them.

  20. The media plays a significant role in politics. Media is a huge part of society; therefore a huge part of peoples' lives. We are influenced by the campaign ads, posters, and billboards that surround us. The film, "Wag the Dog" is a perfect example of how much people are swayed by the news and commercials that we watch. The whole movie is created by the lies the government tells America in order to divert the attention off of a scandal. This movie portrays how the people of America are easily manipulated by the things they see on television. Campaign ads play on the feelings or opinions people have towards an issue or topic. The government sway the people by making ads about what people like and dislike. Each party goes as far as attacking each other in their ads instead of talking about themselves. Either way, the people are going to go for the ad that most appeals to them and that is what the government wants.

    Kenya Williams

  21. Adrian Nieves

    I think the media has a powerful influence on shaping politics. American citizens now watch campaign elections through television, internet, and cell phones. The media has the power to control and persuade the way citizens live their lives. The media also has the power to make you believe something that isn't accurate , but they will trick you and make you believe it any way. In a presidential election, the candidates will use the media to try and get their point across and to have Americans on their side. The candidates use slander, and scapegoating on their political opponent, and try to mortify them, create lies to have people dislike him/her. The media wants you to believe that this candidate is perfect, the solutions he/she has for a economic problem, and ideas that they have for America. Another example is that in class we are currently watching a film called "Wag The Dog". It is about a current president who was involved in a sex scandal that can end his presidential career. So he hires a spin doctor to create a fake war with Albania to get the publics mind off of the scandal. Also to improve the presidents popularity. The people bought the fake video, and the president gained back enough votes to win the election. In the 2010 elections, the media affects the citizens votes. Most of the time the media talks about the candidates in a negative way. What they have to do to help America? They bring up their flaws in their past, hardly bring positive things he/she has accomplished.

  22. Today, the media shapes up everything that goes on in society. The media determines many things in politics such as what they want to hear from candidates or gossip from journalists. Without the media, the people will not be aware of the current events and everyone would like o know what kind of country they are living in. The media could be a good thing or a bad thing, because the people determines what goes on in newspapers and the television.
    Through the media, the presidential race is determined. People vote base on what the read, see or hear. Candidates would post ads and make speeches about why they would be the best choice, and this will all be shown through the media. The media could affects a race because like said before, the media gives people what they want to hear. If a president says one thing, it could be switched into something new and could change a person's perspective on that candidate. The media has the influence on the people to change their mind or support a candidate. This is also a way to talk about their opponent. Today everything is very advanced. The people could get all the information they wanted to know through the internet, so it is the candidate's job to make sure he or she makes themselves look good and can give the people enough information they can commit to.
    Society today, is all about the media and it is not only with the government but also with celebrities, and the newest technology. The media feeds people what the country offers.

    By Jose Valentin D-block

  23. 1) Media reflects politics in the modern world, and people shape/inform politics in the modern world. Media reflects capitalist interests. It is a way for the dominant class to portray their ideas and uphold their position in society. This often happens in political campaigns and elections, in which the media distracts people from important issues in life so that people do not realize the exploitation at the hands of capitalism. For instance, gay rights, immigration laws, and other issues are currently dominating the news and is leading us to opinions that are for or against the government’s position. The reports influence the people, but the people make the decisions alone in a voting booth.

    2) To shape American political and current events, the media uses a method of ideological control and transmits capitalists ideas to the people. Nowadays, people do not know any difference because people are often being brainwashed by the media. The media is known for leading people to not know any different and for creating false information, consciousness, and distractions. For instance, a person may be for or against healthcare reform; however, that person has to factor in the media influence that makes that person lean even more pro or even more con.

    3) Media is affecting the current United States presidential race because politicians rely on its viewers/votes, as the media rely on its customers. Media and politics have one thing in common and that is to give the people what they want or the people wont buy their product/service, or vote for a certain candidate. This is affecting the current presidential race by brainwashing the people to not know any different. For instance, President Obama’s team used brilliant media techniques, mainly the Internet, to gather support. A person’s decision to vote for him or not was most likely based on Obama’s speeches and debates, televised and played on the web, and news coverage that presented both negatives and positives, rather than by the viewpoint of the source. Also, a person is more likely to form an opinion of other candidates by what they saw or read.


    Marisch Perera
    E Block

  24. Michael Grigoli

    I believe that the media shapes politics in America. One of the most popular reasons I believe this is because of how votes can be swayed due to either certain commercials or ads. Even online ads on popular cites like Yahoo! you can find ads for elections. One other reason that I find usually happens to those is political positions, if they become entwined in some sort of scandal or even a minor mishap, the media can twist it and turn the people against this person. This usually ends in resignation. Some news programs on television are biased and only tell certain facts about a candidate which changes the polls dramatically. Fox News is a well known conservative news station that people continue to watch where the hosts’ only give out information they want and slander those they do not favor. The fact that we continue to watch and update ourselves with these stations or websites affects how we perceive the candidate. In the website Foxattacks, they show clips and videos of the Fox News channel proven biased and claming to be “Fair and Balanced”. Candidates also use media to target certain groups of people such as women or men. CNN is a television station known to “lean to the left” and definitely contains a vast amount of liberally editorializing. In an age of information and mass-communication candidates are finding more and more ways to reach to voters and give them information (true or untrue).


  25. 1. Does media reflect or shape/ inform politics in the modern world?

    A-Throughout history, the media has been used to shape society about politics. From as early as the Spanish American War till today, we can see that media has been a huge part in knowing what goes on in politics. Ever since the creation of mass media, the newspapers have used their power to dilute politics. For example, in the Spanish American War, William Randolph Hearst’s published “yellow journalism.” As media became a huge source for information, its power to motivate and influence people has increased. In the modern world, ever since the invention of the computer, and television, information is now able to travel at fast speeds. People are able to get their hands on information about politics in seconds. This includes both false and true information. If a person reads information about politics, his or her mindset can change. When a massive amount of people do the same, then media has succeeded in re-shaping information.

    2. What role does media play in shaping American political and current events?

    A-Through television and the internet, American politics and current events have been “shaped.” The Internet has totally transformed the way the media and politics connect. For example, people are now able to write there opinions onto websites such as Wikipedia. People who now use Wikipedia will think what this person wrote is fact, when in reality it’s an opinion. Another huge problem is blogs and news sites without any journalistic training. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. The good part is that the free access to information gives people far more perspectives of other people. The bad news is that these opinions cannot be reliable or promised to be correct. Even though the media is beneficial, it is becoming harder to rely on it.

    3. How is the media affecting the current US presidential race?

    A- When turning on the T.V, or computer, we are flooded with advertisements. Half of those advertisements being propaganda or advertisements for campaigns. In those campaign ads, we see what each president will bring to our nation. Even though presidents don’t always do what they say, the promises they make seem perfect and give each person the warm fuzzy feeling inside. However, is it not misleading that the media makes promises that cannot be fulfilled seem like there amazing? One of the biggest problems in media is overexertion. Presidents make it seem as if they are the solution to the problem. In reality, that is the goal of is to make the ads seem dandy. But this shows that we shouldn’t believe everything that shows up in the media.


  26. Bibliography


  27. Society is constantly being shaped, without hesitation, due to the media’s persuasive input. Media has become a necessity to our population. This came about from its increasing accessibility; and now displays politics all over the news, online, in the newspaper, and on the radio so everyone can stay up to date. The media started as a way of expressing the truth to civilians, and some where along the line its true meaning became blurred into bias reports. Strangely enough, even though the media is constantly complained about, we continue to trust its voice in all that is reported. Society has become gullible and is sawed by all propaganda that is thrown at them. Politicians and people in the government use different tactics in order to get their way.
    In the movie “Wag the Dog” the president was accused of being involved in negative conduct with an under aged girl, a firefly. Therefore in order to avoid losing the public’s support Brean hires Mott’s and his production experts to create a convincing illusion of a war with Albania and leak it too the press. Additionally, in the running for Congress, Michael Grimm versus Mike McMahon, transfer is used to increase liking for Grimm. In order to increase votes for Grimm, negative qualities on McMahon are shown.
    The current presidential race is always being observed therefore the media is constantly attempting to persuade the public. When Obama was running for president the media was pro Obama, wanting him to be the first black president and make history. Most people followed the press and voted for Obama, causing him to win. Now the media is saying Obama is not doing his job well. If you look at his ratings, they have decreased greatly. Basically the media has a very strong influence on the public.


    Jessica Mallozzi
    Block E

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  29. Continue...

    The political media was a primary reason for Obama’s success as with their assistance he amassed the heart and soul of the American people. Although media often focuses on political issues because of their importance on society, the media also provides information about social issues in popular culture. One of the most discussed media issues recently relates to actor Charlie Sheen because of his alleged usage of cocaine. Although Charlie Sheen’s issue is a serious matter, the media has clearly taken the issue too far. If a normal human being was to commit the same act, the media would not likely report a single detail about that incident. This was also similar to the death of Heath Ledger after he died of an overdose. Although millions of Americans enjoyed the acting abilities of Ledger, his death was continuously in the news for several weeks. Hundreds of human beings perish each day because of overdosing but the media does not report this because these individuals are not important. The media uses famous individuals to purposely gain popularity at the expense of the individual as the average human being is initially intrigued by this news. It shows the media will sometimes do anything in their power to make a quick buck as this has become evident in society with corrupt businessman like Bernie Madoff.

    Finally, the role of media in the current Presidential Election has been to guarantee the support of the general public. Media has continuously proven that acquiring the support of the general public requires the slandering of the opposing candidate and political party. Yet again, the Presidential Election of 2008 exemplifies the cruelty of the media to achieve the support of Americans. Democratic media sources attacked Republican Sarah Palin and the pregnancy of her teenage daughter to suggest that since Palin could not be the Vice President if she could not raise her children correctly. On the other hand, the Republican media criticized Barrack Obama for his association with Bill Ayes for his belief in anarchism and the theory that America should be attacked more by terrorist to exemplify that the future President supported this character and at one time believed in his theories and principles. The media in the Mid-Term Elections have continued to follow in pursuit as both sides continuously attack each other with slander to acquire each last undecided vote. This tactic has occurred for generations and will continue to occur for future generations to come.


    1) Langer, Gary. “Clinton Leads ’08 Dems; No Bounce for Obama.” American Broadcasting Company. January 21st, 2007.

    2) Johnson, Alex. “Obama Claims Democratic Nomination - Decision ‘08.” MSNBC. June 4th, 2008.

    - Kevin Conroy (D-Block) -

  30. In today’s world, media doesn’t just inform citizens of politics in the world, it helps to shape them as well. The modern media wouldn’t be able to exist if there weren’t events that led to how it is reported. That being said, the media can and does distort the actual events to gain many supporters. Today’s gubernatorial race is a perfect example. With all of the advertisements for Cuomo and Paladino, it’s very easy to dislike both of them. Both men have done questionable deeds with the people’s money, as well as other things that would make them look bad. This shows how the media is a double edged sword. Without it, we would have to listen to what both men say and not know who to believe. With it, both men are demonized by each other and the citizen does not know who to vote for. Usually, the voter will choose who they dislike the least. It is without a doubt that the media shapes the way the country is run. In the words of Conrad Brean from the movie Wag the Dog “It must be real, I’m seeing it on TV!” This perfectly reflects the attitude of many people who watch the news. They see the story on the television as being sensationalized and instead of thinking about it logically, they accept it as a truth. Instead of whatever has happened peaking their curiosity, they feel as though they know what has happened and move on with their lives. A similar fate can befall the reader of a newspaper. The writer of a newspaper article can twist the story to sway the people’s opinion into thinking what he wants them to think. The media is a source to gain information, but it is not something that should be accepted as a complete truth.

    John Schiavone

  31. No matter how we look at it, media has a strong effect on politics in the US. From advertising, to promoting, to creating awareness, our government would pretty much be nothing if it weren’t for the significant role media plays in society. Think about it, on average 99% of American families own a TV in their home, and those American families spend on average 145 hours watching television each month. So how else might the government seek to grab the attention of society? Through television of course.

    So does the media reflect or shape politics?

    Neither. I believe that politics is media. Without the media, there really wouldn’t be much to politics. Society learns about politics through the media, and politics learns about society through their reaction to such media- whether it may be good or bad. So these two separate concepts go hand-in-hand with each other when it comes to understanding our US Government. The public is informed of political campaigns, decisions, actions, mistakes, and so much more through media. Campaign ads flood television stations during times of elections because political candidates know and understand that the majority of their votes will be those who are influenced by media alone. News shows inform the public of important political decisions, issues, and actions. If it weren’t for the media, how else might the public be aware of what is going on in the world around them? How else might they know what their government is doing about it?


    1- Livingston,Geoff. "Social Media: the New Battleground for Politics" Sept. 16, 2007.

    2- "Wag the Dog" ...

    Divina Wiley
    D-Block : )

  32. The media is able to shape/inform politics because technology is generally influential in today's society, especially with the younger generation. If the visual and enticing political ads or scandalous news were to disappear, perhaps a quarter of participants in politics will drop. The television is a successful medium to keep the political savvy or the curious viewers on cue with politics. Although T.V. does provide informational channels such as the news or Discovery channel, the people producing the shows are the masterminds in creating what should be shown to the public; validating the given information is often difficult to evaluate because most viewers take the media's report at face value. Primarily the media are owned by wealthy individuals so the motivation to make a profit could overshadow the public's interest.

    First and foremost the media still retains the important job of informing the American citizens about current events and politics; a manipulating aspect is the emotional output the broadcast is casting towards the people. This influences several opinions because everybody evaluates information differently, hence the possibility of conflicts about politics or current events. It is possible the media is the puppeteer and the American citizens are the marionettes swayed by stories stringed to convey necessary movement. The media has become a prime necessity for the people in order to be aware and updated in today's ever changing world.

    A majority of the presidential race is supported by ads or commercials run by the media. 2-D versions of political ads do advertise a candidate's ability to run for a position or bash against an opponent , but the lively media intrigues the public more effectively than billboard ads. As said before, the media influences the people's perspective about the current US presidential race depending how well the message was interpreted. Special effects and a few catchy slogans can send a negative connotation about the candidate when the intention was really about the positive qualities about the person. The media does its job in the best way possible to keep the audience interested enough to tune in for the next show. For the presidential race, new updates about the event will draw in more viewers and keep the continued followers hooked until the next live broadcast.


    Clarisse Concepcion

  33. The media plays a major role in both reflecting and shaping American politics. There are many different forms of media in today’s world like the newspaper internet and the news on the tv. The media is like a fourth unofficial branch of government. The media gives people a chance to choose a side in a race and it also allows them to formulate their own opinion of both sides. Some of the information the media informs the people about is biased. Although the media has many different functions politics is one of the major functions. During political campaigns a major event can cause a certain candidates chance of winning the election. An example would be when Motss in the movie “Wag the Dog” used the media to produce a war. When this was done the president lead in the polls sky rocketed. For politicians and other political figures the media could either be their worst enemy or their best friend. For example a candidate is caught up in a scandal where he had sex with a prostitute. This incident will definitely make front page and you will hear about the scandal all day in the news. Candidates running for a certain job use the media to get their campaign ads out to the public. As the citizen watches these campaign ads their perception of a certain candidate could have changed. The media needs the government and the government needs the media. The media needs a story to cover and the government might need coverage. The media allows for people to choose. The media helps influence what issues voters should care about in elections. The media works at its fullest when it concentrates on one major issue that would capture the publics attention. Like I said before the media could be your best friend or your worst enemy.

    the mass media and politics

    Justin Castro d-block

  34. For many years, media has played an enormous and important part of politics in the modern world. Media has played a role in shaping politics in the modern world. For example, the first form of media to shape politics in the modern world was yellow journalism. Yellow Journalism was the type of journalism that relied on sensationalism and lurid exaggeration to attract readers, which escalated the Spanish - American War. Along with the modern world, media has played an important role in shaping the American political and current events. Many people believe what they read in magazines, newspapers and pamphlets are automatically true. They also allow such things as commercials, ad, and websites to influence their political views. When in truth the media can be reporting false information or telling the voters what they want to hear to persuade them. For example, it the film "Wag the Dog", the president's office uses media to falsely portray a war with Albania to diverge the voters from a sex scandal the president was accused of. This proves that media shapes politics in the modern world. Now with Facebook, Twitter and numerous other internet sites, this has affected politics along with the current US presidential race. People were allowed to log on and post their opinions regarding the presidential race. In addition, they were capable of being influenced by other individuals views as well. In addition, there are numerous campaign ads persuading voters on how and who to vote for.

    Citation -
    1. "Yellow Journalism | Define Yellow Journalism at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 29 Oct. 2010. .
    2. Levinson,Barry"Wag the Dog".New Line Cinema.1997.


  35. Part One...

    1. The media definitely molds the American society in some extent because America is so innovation that people rely heavily on technology for day to day decisions. For example, people will flip to the style section of the newspaper, to be updated on what’s “in” and what’s “not”. Likewise, as people turn on to a news channel, they perceive what they see as the truth without suspecting an underlying motive because the images are so convincing. Or perhaps certain people are just lazy thinkers in general? The ability to think independently is hinder by the influence of media because society tends to believe that what they read in fine print/see on television is the truth. However, one needs to realize that commercials, news report, and the media in general are created to target people in such a manipulated way to convey a certain message. Peoples’ attention towards the newspaper’s daily headline implies that there’s a sense of fear that society might want to be aware/avoid and reading that single article can offer people the security they wish to have. Politics in the modern world is definitely shaped by the media because politics is pure persuasion and reassurance. Through the media, candidates are able to utilize the art of commercializing and writing to target Americans by controlling how much the candidates wants society to know, and by doing so they only show their best face to the public.

  36. part two...

    2. The role of media in American political and current events, lie in its ability to distort true information into a view that will support that the journalist or news station heartedly believe to be “right”. In the movie, “Wag the Dog”, is a perfect representation of how a fraud production can be twisted into a real situation, with the help of media, to mislead the public into believing a sham in order to capture society’s attention. The failure to inadequately inform the American people of their own role and interest in matters is a severe disadvantage of the social media. Media has allowed politicians to build a platform to voice their agenda without having to reveal pure truth and getting the public opinion in favor of his/her.

    Jessica Chan
    E Block

  37. Part Three...

    3. The media is affecting the current US presidential race through a series of propaganda techniques such as bandwagon, transfer, glittering generalities, and name calling. The main objective behind such techniques is to efficiently prove that he/she is the best choice for the opening. For example, Obama won in favor of America by creating the slogan, “Change We Can Believe In” is a typical tactic use to present a memorable repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. Similarly, in a 2010 Christine O’Donnell Senate campaign video ad, Donnell expresses her concerns for Delaware by listing out issues that will be addressed if she is elected senator. By showing concern for issues such as financial budget and bailouts, Donnell is transferring a moment of hope to the audience once her ad is viewed. Eminently, candidates recognize the trend that human nature believes what is told to them. We tend to believe the media because research is done by them and they are a main source of information

    Cites: 1. Curl, William. "The role of media in poliics" EZinatricles. May 13 2008.

    Jessica Chan
    E Block

  38. The media does reflect and shape politics in the modern world. It shapes politics because without media they wouldn’t be able to campaign to as many people as they currently do. For example, in an hour of watching television, I’ve seen about 6 political ads. Each commercial has been produced to a science that they make the opponents seem bad, however, the opponents ad will come on and make the other candidate seem bad. Also, media shapes politics because the media is very influential. When LeBron James decided to go to sunny south beach for his current season approximately 10 million people were watching him. The LeBron James example shows how people pay so much attention to the media. Also, the newspaper is an example of media. The newspaper reflects politics because there are several articles about current political elections, political slander, and various other political related sources. Also, music artist are used as media to inform and reflect on politics. They inform people on what’s going on by launching campaigns such as, P. Diddy (at the time) releasing the “Vote or Die” t-shirts with Sean John. On the other hand, celebrities like John Mayer are used to write songs like “Waiting on the World to Change”, which to me seems like a song protesting war.
    The media is important in shaping American political and current events. The media is probably the number one way that candidates obtain the interest of voters. Their ads are consistently on tv, the radio, and even on the internet. Without the media, I feel, not as many people would be interested or informed about voting. Also, as shown in the movie, the media exposes political scandals yet, at the same time inform the general public on important issues. An example of how the media informed people on current events was the morning of September 11th, 2001. Kids emptied out the schools as their parents came to pick them up. This is why the media is important in shaping American society.

    Glenn Kugelman

  39. In my opinion, the media most certainly molds politics in the modern world. We cannot take everything we read, see, and hear at face value because as we learn, not all information from the media is valid. For instance, in the current gubernatorial race in New York, Carl Paladino and Andrew Cuomo’s campaigns are constantly airing new commercials in an attempt to slander their opponent. In one of Paladino’s ads, Cuomo is depicted as a sleazy sort of criminal by supposedly pardoning corrupt politicians from his party from going to jail. Cuomo fired back by accusing Paladino of raking in millions of dollars through government contracts and tax cuts. These commercials that are aired out to the whole entire state frame essentially frame both candidates for not abiding by the law. As the public, we can’t tell for sure who is lying but most take into account of these alleged crimes committed by each. Today, any political campaign who takes themselves seriously understand how they can manipulate the media to influence voting polls. Moreover, this outlet that connects the candidates with the citizens simply cannot be avoided. From televisions to newspapers to your next door neighbor, information like this can’t be spread any faster. The media’s job in shaping American political and current events is up to the author/creator who is documenting the event. They can be more partial towards one candidate and try to influence their audience to vote for them or they can be neutral and simply state the facts. Their main goal is to get their voice inside the citizen’s head with a degree of persuasiveness to sway that citizen’s vote. The Wall Street Journal, although slightly conservative, is evidently a Democratic sort of newspaper in that they praise all of Cuomo’s actions while they highlight Paladino’s shortcomings. In the current U.S. presidential race, internet websites are already creating polls questioning readers whether or not they were happy with Obama’s work. Although the answers were almost half-and-half, it still proved the fact that the media has the final say in any presidential campaign or effort. When people see or hear something, you have to believe they’re going to start talking.


    Christina Tsang

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. 1)The media definitely shapes politics in the modern world because it is the only effective way of targeting an audience. Only a small percentage of voters actually follow officials who want to be elected by going to debates or tuning in specifically to watch them on TV. So how does everyone else get roped into voting? Through mass media. Newspapers with bold headlines succumb readers into browsing through entire articles that may wind up shaping their opinions of who to vote for. For the most part, people in todays busy world do not have the time to even read newspapers yet alone vote which makes them the perfect target for campaign ads. These ads come up in the middle of the day, in between commercial breaks for ones favorite show and when least expected. They either produce the running candidate in a prime, positive light, or slander their opponent by attacking them with every bit of evidence they can. The scariest part about these ads is that half of the time, you don’t even notice that you are watching them. Known as subliminal messaging, campaign ads in favor of a candidate are written in small print across the screen where you can’t see them. Your mind picks up on this and stores the information in the back of their mind. You can find yourself favoring a particular candidate not knowing exactly why because of this scary process.

    2)The role the media plays in shaping American political and current events is by distorting the public’s view of what they believe is true. Using propaganda as their tool, the media targets the public in sneaky ways so that they can get away with doing so since people wouldn’t notice anyway. The movie “Wag the Dog” exposes the lies that are put forth by spin doctors trying to divert attention from a current political issue. This makes a mockery out of the people and causes them to look like gullible individuals. It isn’t their fault for believing something that looks real and that is being broadcast over every news channel in America.
    3)The media is currently affecting the US presidential race through various propaganda tactics and more subliminal messaging. McCain had his message placed at the bottom of a Coca Cola ad which provoked people to be in his favor after watching it. Obama as well used his slogan for “Change” to grab the attention of the younger generation. He knew what appealed to them and therefore made many collegiate visits in order to gain more voters. The candidates know that they can’t only get the people’s votes by simply saying what they will do for them but have to resort to ads and targeting specific audiences in order to get the maximum amount of votes. We as an audience naively believe what we see because we think that it is real. WE trust that the news channel brings us the truth when the may not necessarily be true.


    Paulina Plata


  42. Media and politics are two entities that go hand in hand. In other words they correlate. Generally it can be said that the media is the the main reason people today are at all informed about today's candidates. But enough of these glistening generalities, it's time for some examples.

    One example of the media's influence on politics would be the Eliot Spitzer Scandal. As you probably know, Eliot Spitzer was caught paying for female escort services. A very disturbing idea to say the least. However, when the media caught wind of this, which they did very quickly, they began to report every last detail of Spitzer's affair, and proceeded to smear his image. The media actually found out that Spitzer had been paying for these "mistresses" with the taxpayer's money. I believe it's fair to say that without the media's thorough coverage of this matter, Spitzer may have even been reelected. Alas, with his public image smeared by the media, he stood no chance and resigned.
    Another less profound example of media effecting modern politics would be the current governor's race. Andrew Cuomo and Carl Palladino have both been using the media to their advantage, although it may be said that it has hurt one candidate more than the other. It is nearly impossible in these crucial days before the election to miss all the campaigning ads for the governor race. These commercial's themselves are examples of media use for political reasons, for example to smear your competition, or to have people talk up the things you do for your government. One of the more prominent examples of Media shaping politics during this race was made when Carl Paladino made an offensive comment towards the gay community, which he tried to apologize for later on. At first his comment, claiming that "kids shouldn't think homosexuality is ok" deeply offended the gay community, including Paladino's nephew. He then relesed an apology to the media, stating that he is sorry, and he will fight for the rights of the gay community. This statement then angered one of Paladino's former supporters, a Rabbi who is Anti gay marriage. The Rabbi said that Paladino, "apologized because of his family, his nephew" to the media. I believe it is safe to say that the media has a big stake in our politics these days, and largely shape the way politics function these days.


    Travis Knight
    D Block

  43. Media has a tremendous impact on modern politics. Television commercials, as well as campaign ads on the internet and in newspapers, make reaching virtually every voter a possibility. The media has taken on a critical role in todays world with regard to politics.
    The media has perhaps frightened politicians in to being more honest and straight-shooting with the public. If a politican knows he will be exposed for "buying votes", he is more likely to avoid doing that. Politicians realize they can lose many votes due to one negative ad.
    American political and current events can be played on different forms of the media. If someone is illiterate, he can still be educated politically by watching television or listening to the radio or surfing the web. Nowadays, even if a person does not have a television, computer, or radio he can still pick up a copy of the newspaper at the local deli and be informed.
    It seems that each television station puts its own spin on candidates. They run negative ads about one candidate, but not others. This seems imbalanced and unfair.
    The media seems to focus a lot on financial matters. Candidates who promise job increases and wage increases will be more popular if they media gets their messages out to the public. In this way, the media has a great affect on the current U.S presidential race.
    Television commercials and ads can turn an election in favor of one candidate and against another. They are that powerful. Even debates are shown on television on so many channels so that a person almost "has" to see them. Whatever current evens each station emphasizes wll impact upon each candidate is elected.

    Alexandra Ferrigno, E-Block

  44. Media does reflect on politics. Politics is seen everywhere now. As of now it can be seen on TV, heard on the radio, you can read about politics in newspapers,even people put up videos on the internet! ( sometimes you can watch politics live on youtube!).Also, political ads sometimes might be on bulletin boards over the highway.

    What role does media play in shaping American political and current events? The media can make politics seem like fraud. Some political ads, the people running for governer, mayor, senator, ect.. can be making fun of the other canidates. Like the Ad for AlGore we saw in class, right in the beginning, they had a burning dollar bill, and that was to make fun of George Bush. the media can be crule to politics, but can also be a good thing, since there are more political ads that say NOTHING negative at all.

    How is the media affecting the current US presidential race? The media is affecting the current US presidental race. Their are many political ads on television, like for McMahon, Cuomo, Palidiano, and many more. Most of them for Cumo and Palidiano are more making fun of each other, fraud, so pople don't vote for them. but the one I saw for Linda McMahon, that was very positive, very warming. The media has a lot to do with this, because they are showing these adson television, talking about them in the newspapers, even people put up videos on youtube about this election! Media and Politics are everywere!

    Amanda Aasen, C Block

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Media plays a large role in shaping politics into what they have become. Television, radio stations, billboards and posters have constantly reminded voters what each politician plans to change when they are voted into office which impacts the results of the votes. If a voter listens to a debate between candidates and hears both sides of the argument, they are given the opportunity to decide which party would suit their needs best. Because the media is constantly speaking about how well one candidate will do if they win the election while using slander to hurt the opponent’s competition, voters begin to change their view on who should win an election. The media's impact on voting has grown because of advertisements on television, news channels and newspapers, commercials and on the Internet, which has lead to voters constantly change their perspective on who should win the election. In the current gubernatorial election, candidates are creating websites and campaigns that are directed to specific groups of voters while using other propaganda techniques to destroy their opponents’ chance of winning the elections. In Florida, Rick Scott is running for governor. On his website he directs his campaign to people who have lost their jobs because of today’s economy by saying he plans to turn Florida around and create 700,000 jobs and cut property tax rates. Because his goals once he is elected into office are posted on his website, the media is shaping the opinion of votes in Florida. In New York, Andrew Cuomo is directing his campaign to voters who want to 'clean up Albany; as well as voters who believe the deficit should be eliminated. In his campaigns he uses slander by saying that Carl Paladino has no plan and anger is not a strategy, which could ruin any chance Paladino has of winning the election. Because of the media's influence on the elections, voters will have a bad impression of Paladino as a result of Cuomo's campaign. In the current presidential election, the media influenced voters to vote for Obama in the election because of the repetitive idea of 'change'. Voters who did not want Obama in office changed their views because of the media's campaigning to vote Obama into office so the country will change. Without the media's influence, the results of the election could have been very different. If media did not campaign against John McCain, Obama might have lost the election, and the country might not be in the same situations we are currently facing. Media often has more influence on an election then the candidates do. The media knows what the people want to hear and what they want to change once a new politician comes into office therefore shaping politics.


  47. The media is a tool used by the government that allows them to distract and tell the people what they want to hear. The media’s purpose is supposed to be informing the public on people and events. When used the rights way media can be positive and effective. Often times the government uses the media to cover up events and abuse their power. The media has a huge impact on the presidential race. Most people vote based on what they see on TV. Most of the ads are lies with different types of propaganda mixed in. people really need to do their own research to find out who they think is best to serve as president. When it comes down to it I feel that the winner of the race is the one who was the better liar. In essence media affects modern politics because it is a powerful tool that puts liars into office which is very dangerous. The media often blows thing way out of proportion to distract the public. For example in the movie wag the dog the president raped a firefly girl. It was the Medias job to distract the public so the president could get reelected. The media staged a war successfully and the president was home free. This movie made me realize the scary power of media and its connection to the government. We as the people in this country cannot believe whatever we hear on TV. We need to look into the issues ourselves so we can choose the best leader to guide our country.

    James Guardino

  48. Media shapes the way people look at politics. People are constantly looking at different forms of media like the news, newspapers, movies, books,radio and internet. Media can make politics look a certain way in society. Whatever the media says about politics people will listen and they will "buy" it. But without media, most people would not be informed about politics. Media like the news will blast politics on television so people will actually listen.
    Media plays a powerful role in shaping American political and current events. The media can twist politics to make a person look at it in a certain view. For instance, newspapers can make one politician look like the bad guy, and the other politician like a knight in shining armor.An example of this is the Bill Clinton scandal with Lewinsky. The news totally blasted this story on the front page and made the President look absolutely awful. Media affects the outcome of political races and a persons view/opinion on politics. We never know if what the media says about politics is entirely true, but people still listen and believe the media. Another example of hoe media shapes politics would be the Governor election races with candidates Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino. These two candidates blast each other in their campaign ads. They both make each other look bad to try to persuade the people to choose them. Carl Paladino even chose a band wagon topic like the Muslim mosque around ground zero from being built. Carl Paladino is against from it being built while Andrew Cuomo is for it. By using this type of media, it can affect the outcome of the governor elections.
    The media is also affecting the current presidential elections. Different types of media mainly the newspaper, are making President Obama look good and bad.Some news articles claim that the President is making no change to the country, while other newspapers say that Obama should not be changed for someone else. People have changed their views on Obama because of the media. People who were once initially for Obama have now gone against him because of the media's view on Obama. If there was no media on the campaign people would not know who to vote for on the presidential elections.
    Ariel Leiva


  49. 1. The media plays a major role in American politics. As Americans we rely on the media heavily to inform us which candidates are running, what their polices are etc. Majority of American citizens get their news about candidates via the television. Although, Americans rely on the media to report to them news about the candidates, the media does not reflect/or shape politics. Simply, the medias job is to inform the Americans about politics. Americans rely on the media for information, but in the end, Americans still vote on the candidates they believe are best for society regardless of what the media reports.
    2. In current politics, the media plays a substantial role. As mentioned before the media is used as a way to inform citizens about political candidates. Some of the most important issues in the country today such as, gay marriages, immigration, terrorism are broadcasted by the news with the politicians position on the matter.
    3. Through catchy slogans and ads bashing the other candidates the media heavily affects the presidential race. One of the issues brought up in current American politics is the mosque in Ground Zero. Advocates of the mosque such as President Obama say that denying Muslims the right to a mosque is like denying them their first amendment right. People against the mosque in ground zero say that it is insensitive to those who lost loved ones on 9/11. Nonetheless, voters will vote for the candidates that they will do the best to help society.

  50. I strongly believe the media shapes politics in the modern world. It’s like people are brainwashed or easily influenced by what they read or hear from news reporters. Society lives off of gossip and news so it’s no surprise that candidates would be elected based on what people hear and read about in news papers/ broadcasts. For example, newspapers such as the New York Times and news channels such as Fox 5 or CNN are held a high standard because they are so well known for their stories and reporters. People, especially adults are always watching the news or reading newspaper articles to satisfy their craving of wanting to know what’s going on in the world. The media is this high source that informs people of all the accurate facts and events going on every day, people look up to the media in order to gain knowledge of the “true” stories of events going on instead of censored stories.
    Today all you see on the front page of the New York times is articles about the upcoming elections. People specifically look for these articles when they pick up the newspaper. I find myself searching for these articles. Why? I crave for more knowledge on these candidates, so I know what kind of a person will be holding office when the elections are over. If the media was to come out with a headline talking bad about the President like in the movie “Wag the Dog,” there is no way people are going to want to re-elect him. Just because of the amount of influence the media has on citizens decisions.

  51. Us as humans believe and go by basically what we know & see. The whole media shapes human life because it's always there. We see the media while watching television, taking public transportation, ads on your favorite youtube videos, songs released & everywhere else. We believe and go by what the media states because without the media, where would we go? How could we come up with opinions and ideas when no one is showing us. The media may not always be a positive, the media can create rumors, spread lies & fool the public. Then, some media can create truth, spread the truth and try to get the public to do the right thing. No matter what, the media has a great hold on the American Public. A huge way the media is affecting us as Americans in political and current events is by advertisement. Certain people that feel they have what it takes to lead the public want to be elected governor. We as the people choose & the public shows us exactly what the candidates have to offer. The people want more money, more jobs, to pay less for taxes, better education and lots of other things. Seems impossible? There are candidates who promise that & more. So, since we follow what the media has to offer we believe that these people have what it takes to lead our country to a better place and we vote for them. It doesn't always work out & sometimes we dig ourselves into bigger holes for believing the media than doing our own research. In Iowa, for security of Agriculture is Francis Thicke. In his campaign ad, it shows Thicke being a friend towards the animals, helping pick up hay & it also shows the government behind Thicke questioning his promises to the people. Thicke says in this video that people will have the power & the government states that only the government can have all power. The government then asks Thicke who will back him up & the video shows the American public. This is very convincing because most people are friends to the animals. As any human, seeing a candidate being a friend to the animals, promising to give more power to the people & promising to be the secretary of agriculture is extremely convincing. This man, no matter his exact intensions on the public might actually get elected due to the media and his simple words.


  52. The media does affect the politics. It can easily affect how people view politicians because it easily influences how people think & feel about certain things. People believe in the media more then they believe in each other. They look to the media to find out what is going on. People don’t realize how the media can twist the news to make the outcome something that isn’t always going to be beneficial. The article for, states how Facebook, MySpace & Twitter affect politics. The candidates all have profile pages. By having these pages, it makes them more appealing to teens that are just starting to vote, and people who are computer savvy.
    As shown in the movie “Wag the Dog”, it shows how the role media plays in shaping the American politics & current events can change people’s views so quickly. In the movie, the President hired a spin-doctor to spin and make a new story that would distract the future voters from a scandal affecting the President. This movie is completely fictional, but you never know if this stuff actually happens. This stuff could be actually true & politicians could be changing’s stories to make the media enhance their chances of winning. The media is used to sway voters a certain way.
    How Obama is portrayed can affect if he’ll serve another term. If the media focuses on what Obama does wrong then he isn’t going to be elected again. If Obama is seen doing positive things for the nation, the people are going to want him to be the President another 4 years.
    1. "How New Media Is Affecting Politics (and Vice Versa) | Crayon, a New Marketing Company." Crayon - a New Marketing Company. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. .
    2. Levinson, Barry “Wag the Dog”. New Line Cinemas. 1997.

    Stephanie Llorca E Block .

  53. The media reflects our nation as a whole. It portrays our people, our leaders and our nation in many different ways. We easily view the news, or articles and information concerning our candidates, and politicians, even scandals very easily because of updated technology. Politicians are using technology and the internet to definately try to persuade and get to the younger audience because we are especially important, including in this up and coming age. Media is important, and many people are connected to websites and nowadays, lots of politicians are using social networking, and the internet to influence and sway voters. Politicians are using twitter, Facebook, and myspace, in an attempt to have a personal connection with voters. They give their true ( or possibly fake ) opinions on issues and concerns. As for the Obama situation, many people say he is not doing a good job, or even doing his job at all. He did not keep up with his political promises.

  54. I believe media reflects politics in the modern world. The media informs people about what is going on around the world. Without the politics, we would not know about what is going on. Media is very important in the 20th century. Media is not always a positive thing though, because it can cause gossips and rumors. People now use a lot of technology. We are used to using televisions, phones, and computers and that is how we keep on track with all the events happening. We all depend on the media.
    The media helps us know what is happening around us. On November 2, 2010 there will be an election and the media helped us choose who we want to vote for and who we feel will help the government. The media showed campaigns of each candidate. Campaigns show us, United States citizens what each candidate would try and do to help the government. Voters make their final decision based campaigns and ads we see on the media. Some media brainwash people to believe in what they are saying, when it may not always be true. We can not always depend on the media, because if the media states negative details and/or opinions about a specific topic, it could destroy them and could leave a mark on how people think of them.
    _Rona N. Galicia A-Block

  55. 1) In the society we live in today, the media shapes the way we think of politics. The media in our civilization shapes or in other words brainwashes the public into believing into lies or rumors. In many ways the way the media shapes society is by telling false information and by starting rumors. By doing this people will begin to believe in false lies that ultimately change the leadership roles in America.

    2) The media is one of the most influential tools in American society as it has the power to change the view of millions just by a simple broadcast or statement by a politician or candidate. The media at times can post lies that seem like the truth, a prime example would be in the movie "Wag The Dog", in the film the presidents possibility of re-election is threatened by a sex scandal with a young girl of the FireFly Girls. The presidents press team creates a false war in which the media plays all over America. This brainwashes the general public into believing into a false conflict to divert attention from another matter. The same could be done right now, the stories being portrayed in the media now could be all lies, and no one would really know if it is the truth or another lie. The power of the media is unimaginable considering how much power they have in society. The media has the power to determine who wins the election whether it maybe for president, governor, etc.

    3) Just around the corner are elections, and because of this people are trying to decide who they should vote for into office. This difficult choice is made easy by the use of media, especially television, newspaper and through the radio. Because elections are difficult people are generally confused about who they will pick therefore candidates create campaign ads that seem to be in favor of the people to gain supporters. At times these campaign ads may tell stories that aren't true to blame the failures of other candidates so they seem to be a bad choice for office. In the end the power of the media is overwhelming as the media can control the public through telling the truth about events or the past of candidates, they can also tell lies to brainwash the minds of the people and therefore affecting the voting process.

    Derrick Tam, A-Block

  56. Bibliography

    "Wag The Dog" 1997 Directed by Barry Levinson

  57. The media in today’s society plays a huge role in politics. The media is made to inform people about the current events that’s happening in the government that will be released to the public to educate us on world affairs. The media consists of news channels, newspapers, posters etc. that surround the people everyday which makes it the only way for them to turn to be educated on today’s politics. Majority of citizens in America rely on campaign ads on television or on posters to vote for their political leaders which isn’t good because most ads only contain the good things that the political leaders support and not all the negative things they might do in the future. Even though the media can make false accusations, people wouldn’t really know the actual truth unless they do their own research on the situation. The job that the media plays to shape American politics and current events is to attract people’s attention to inform them on worldwide affairs. The media can exaggerate sometimes on issues just to draw people’s attention to make money. The media is able to distribute false information that contains, for example, fear. If the people are afraid of something that is happening in the world, for example, the threat bombing in Times Square, the government can make the people feel safe by restricting people’s natural rights. The media is affecting the current US Presidential race by Politian’s distributing false information about each other in order to win people’s votes. I have seen many campaign ads that go back and forth with the two opposing candidates, both stating their strengths and degrading their opponents through television commercials, to posters on the bus or around the community. The media has taken a huge toll on modern American politics that results in either a negative way or positive way.

    Michelle Naidoo - D Block

  58. Irmak Karakelle
    D Block

    The media absolutely shapes modern politics. I, 110%, believe that politics and politicians alike are what the media makes them. For example, Obama is a symbol for change. This image is set forth by how he is presented in mass media such as TV ads, slogans, commercials, etc. The media plays the role of glasses on the eye of the public. Without a doubt, the media makes politicians who they are in the eye of the public. Just like a celebrity is portrayed one way in a magazine, politicians are made to look one way in politics. Media shapes American political and current events because each form of media is biased. Due to politicians slandering each other and making anti ________ ads, the media becomes more than just informative, it becomes persuasive. Also things such as bribery and underground deals such as the ones we saw in Wag the Dog play a huge role in media… and the media plays a huge role in our minds and opinions. The media is affecting the current US presidential race in that it is showing the people who to like and who not to like; who to trust and who not to trust; etc. Whether we admit it or not the media influences us, the people, in a huge way.

  59. Gina Ianniello
    Our government and all the politics that go along with it are influenced by media around the clock. The media is a way for the public to obtain information about what is going on with the government. Majority of people look to the media for information. Unfortunately, media is not always accurate and can persuade people based on false pretenses. The government can very easily gain a favorable outcome from the people in America through the use of media. Specifically, they target groups of people who will easily be persuaded. Laziness of citizens feeds the success of the media. Many voters are unable to look deeply into political issues being addressed as well as the history of each candidate running in the election. This shows how the media plays a huge roll in one's opinion of a candidate. Almost all candidates do not just use the media to get their views out there. Candidates also use the media to belittle their opponents by pointing out their flaws. This gives candidates the chance gain popularity. There are countless forms of media out there that truly reflect the atmosphere of politics. I found one of Chris Coons' media releases. Chris Coons ran in the Delaware State Senate election. In his media release Chris Coons targeted Christine O’Donnell. He mocked her personality by calling her weird and strange. I also found an editorial from the New York Times. It was titled “Congressional Choices”. This editorial addressed that “the middle class needs the support; the wealthy do not.” Slogans like these and other "one-liners" have a huge effect on voters' opinions. Media comes in many different forms but, no matter how it is presented individuals are persuaded by its' components.

    1. Huffington Post “Midterm Election 2010: Campaign Ad Database”
    2. New York Times “Congressional Choices”

  60. Technology has taken over the world. Everybodys days are revolved around cellphones, televisons, computers & the radio. You're not connected to the world without your cellphone, you don't know ANYTHING that's going on in the world if you don't watch the news on television, you can't find out the latest news quicker if you don't have a computer & EVERYONE listens to the radio in the car, reguardless if you're listening to music or the news. Politicans are using technology to get their voice heard, which in my opionion it is the smart thing to do. By putting your campaign out through technology, your GAURENTEED to have more then half the country see it. Media can deffinitly have an affect on someones decision. By seeing everything one person is promising on the television, or hearing it on the radio, it could deffinitly make you change your mind on what you once thought. The media is reflecting this current presidential race because on the televison its so interesting to see them bashing eachother and talking nasty about eachother. We also see true colors come out. Racisism & homophobic came out of one. Without the television we would have never knew the negatives about people that actually do run.

  61. our nation is run by the media it shows and tells us things that we in turn whether they be true or not beieve. in saying this it is definitely true that the meda does influence and shape our political system. the media can be composed of many different things for example, the newspaper (something most adults buy on a daily basis just to catch up with whats going on in the world and in their neighborhood)also,through commercials on television which we all dread watching because we feel it rudely interrupts our show. we believe what we see and hear in the media because it satisfies our craving for information, the information we cannot get to first hand like for instance the information we find out about each person running in the election. we dont know them personally so what do we do we turn to the media, newspapers, campaign adds and televised debates for the information we seek and when they give us that information we take it and use it. not only is it afecting the predeintial race but all the other races too, telling and non-stop persuading us to vote for who they want us to.

    martin sanchez
    c- block

  62. I feel that the media has huge effect in our lives, without cell phones, televisions or even radios in this world we couldnt find out the weather fast or before weather changes. if we have a tornado in this world if we arent warned by the news then our lives would be in danger. everything in this world has a purpose and the media has a huge impact in our everyday life.
    David Innamorato

  63. In today’s society, people rely heavily on the media for information. A person can find out what time it is in China with the click of a button! If there were no such thing as google, many kids would have dropped school a long time ago. Therefore, it goes without saying that media has a great impact on Americans, and people in the world as a whole. During the time before up-coming elections, you’ll often catch a political ad being shown on television; these political ads are used to alter people’s opinions, and are sometimes fallacious when doing so. Most of the ads are either doing one of two things: glorifying the candidate that the ad is about, or maligning the opposing candidate’s character/intentions. Because the media is so “in your face” and virtually unavoidable, they use it to promote themselves more than any other method. If you think about it, how else would the people get to know the candidates they vote for? How else would we be able to judge their character? The media is really all we have to rely on. From ads and broadcasted debates forms opinions, then opinions translate into votes on election days; it’s safe to say that the “tail wags the dog” in this case. Yes, the government does have some control over what we’re shown on television and the internet; but when it comes down to personal opinions, it is simply out of their hands. Freedom of speech is our first amendment right; the candidates can make their ads as “over the top” as they want. So if over the top is what drives voters, then over the top is what their ads should be.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. 1. The media definitely plays a huge role in politics. The media informs people of everything. People wouldn't know what was going on in the world if it weren't for media. Waking up in the morning, most of our initial reactions are to rely on the news or radio for an update of the nation. Politics are all over tv, radios, and the internet. Most peoples votes are based on what they see or hear on either three sources. If it weren't for the media, most people wouldn't have a clue on who they should vote for and would lack all knowledge of politics in todays society.

    2. Media plays a huge role in todays world. Kids at the age of 9 years old are using the internet and learning whatever they can. When we want to learn about something our initial reaction is to use google and find out! Ads, articles, commercials etc. are used to shape our minds. Corporations find out exactly what society likes, and they advertise it. Politicians advertise anything they can to persuade the audience into voting for their party. People's minds are easily persuaded when they see something that interests them or corrupts their daily lives. Everyone lives with hope. When the media advertises anything having to do with the government and how they can help the society, people suddenly begin to hope that everything being advertised is true. Any tv ad helps shape the human mind.

    3. Candidates often advertise their ideas through commercials , interviews and articles. They often feed the media anything they know the society will want to hear. Instead of learning about each candidate personally, people use media as their source of information and educate themselves through what they see/hear in the media. In the film wag the dog, everything had been kept a secret and away from the media. There is so much that we do not know but continue to let media influence our opinions.

    Mariam Airapetian C Block :]

  66. Today in America the media affects everything ; society’s beliefs, mindsets, security as individuals, goals and everyday life decisions such as diet, style of apparel or even the type of toilet paper you may chose to purchase. Every day something is advertized to us, whether through music, art, television commercials, newspaper/magazines, billboards or the internet, the media controls modern culture. If I.O. digital cable’s entire 2008 commercial (877-393-4448 call all you want from state to state) was constantly recited and sung by a group of teenagers and even adults, then political views/ perspectives can surly be molded through the media. Depending on the source of information, radio, news and TV hosts will sometimes send bias notions and only give negative facts about a running candidate whom which they oppose. The media glorifies idiotic and insignificant people rather than exposing any current event of importance. Most young people living in NY/NJ knew more about Snooki and Angelina’s fight before they had even heard about the group of Chilean minors surviving underground for 3 months. The media should advertize that looking up current events and learning about the world outside of your own is important and that youth should begin to put more effort into finding out what is happening. Sarah Corso E block

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. The media plays a major role in American politics. Any type of news we that hear is from the media. They tell us the stories, but they can choose what they want us to hear and how it happened. Everyone has an opinion on politics, including the media. They hold the power to sway people’s minds, and in most cases they choose to do so. It is up to the people to decide how they use that information to the best of their ability. The media also has the ability to make certain people look bad. They completely discredit people they disagree with. Two examples of biased news stations are MSNBC and FOX News. MSNBC is a left wing news organization that consistently bashes the Republican Party and FOX news supports the G.O.P. and favors conservative politicians. Each news station affects how people vote and can change the outcome of an election. The media greatly affected the last Presidential election. Many news organizations portrayed Obama as a faithful and open minded man that will promote the right type of change our country needs. Those same news stations said that McCain was the second George W. Bush, and they viewed him as an old man with old ideas. McCain didn’t stand a chance. He was a sitting duck, and the media had all the ammunition they could ever hope. Although the media holds a lot of power, at the end of the day it’s the people who hold the power to determine the outcome of each election.

    Chris Ekonomakos/A block

  69. Media and politics are two concepts that are linked/tangled together in today’s society. The media generates information as a network then publishes that information using articles, videos, and photos to a group of consumers, “in turn influencing individual interpretations of the information provided while potentially influencing unrelated cultural and personal beliefs, as per the propaganda model. Mass media content created for newsworthy events and those stories that are not told all have consequences on the consumer and therefore the culture supposedly being influenced”.
    Without media the narrow minded “americans” would not be able to keep up with what is going on in the world around them. Media has taken over our lives compared to us making/taking over the media. And like what has happened in the presidential race. From having a new african american president most americans are not content with change. From having news take this over, to listening to the peoples opinions it sways to a majority or certain group of people. Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are among the candidates that have made a dash for the presidency, but neither has made it to the finish line. Obama is born to a Kenyan father, Barack Hussein Obama, and a Caucasian mother, Shirley Ann Dunham; and not surprisingly many people believe he has the ability to break down the wall that has separated the various ethnic groups in America. Obama is one who has made history for us all, and like most people said he would do a great job there are new articles that have been saying that he was the wrong choice for president and is only bringing his country down. Just reminding everyone, almost, if not more than or equal to, half of the people that voted for Obama are now regretting it. He was supposed to be the Senate's puppet, but once the teleprompter fell and broke (so to speak) he became lost and began acting on his own free will, which included lying and making just straight out ignorant decisions.Now America is having to pay the price for their mistake. I think he's a good person. I don't think that he should be president.
    Therefor I think I make my point in saying the media and politics are tangled together and make the average person believe whatever is said as they live and have it all spoon fed to them.
    Teddy Thompson

  70. Media helps to shape politics in the modern world because it gives them a chance to place their opinions in the heads of the people the way that they would like them to be viewed. Basically the media gives the government a chance to control the thoughts of the people and their opinions on the issues at hand. Take the movie wag the dog for example; the people who created the scheme at hand to help the president become reelected controlled the views and publication of information that the public receives, in order to have their plan be some sort of success. American citizens have the tendency of believing everything that they hear people say on television or on the radio. The main reason for this is because when news is given out to the American public it is generally always backed up by various amounts of so called valid information.Media is affecting the current presidential race because there is still the possibility of being influenced by a candidate’s commercial either visual or audio.
    Daelina L. A-block

  71. When it comes to elections, media plays a major role in what the people think. As a matter of fact, media plays a major role in just about everything. People are equipped with two eyes, two arms, two ears and two legs. With the space on this Earth as grand as it is, it is impossible to know everything that occurs. Even worst, it is impossible to have a firsthand account of most of the events that occur. Therefore, humanity resorts on other people’s description of what goes on. The most public and easiest ways to be informed happens to be media. After a long day doing whatever it may be people do to take care of themselves and their families, they usually put on the television, browse the internet or grab a newspaper if they want to be up to date with what has occurred. Although people expect to get hard core facts, they actually get that persons view on what happened. Furthermore, what the public sees can be manipulated. For example, in the government elections of California, Jerry Brown was up against Meg Whitman. In a campaign ad video paid for and authorized by Brown, pieces of speeches Whitman had given were played after pieces of speeches Arnold Schwarzenegger had given. Played right after another, phrases Whitman said were identical to phrases Schwarzenegger said in his speeches. Videos from the speeches played next to one another making a mockery of Whitman and her views. After this, her integrity was definitely questioned and she seemed like a follower who lacks the ability to think for herself. Not surprisingly, the election ended with Jerry Brown becoming victorious and taking the seat of governor of California. In the election for senator of California, Barbara Boxer ran against Carly Fiorina. Boxer authorized and paid for a campaign ad video against Fiorina that brought light to the selfish decisions she made. Laying off 30,000 people when she was a CEO, Fiorina hurt many families as she profited 100,000,000 from the company. The video depicted who she really is as a person and definitely made the people second guess if that was the type of person they wanted as their senator. It proved to work because in the end, Brown was elected senator instead of Fiorina. People resort on the media to see everything that does not occur right in front of them. “Wagging the tail,” or manipulating what is shown definitely makes a difference in how things, like votes, turn out.

    1. Huffington Post “Midterm Election 2010: Campaign Ad Database”
    2. Huffington Post “Midterm Election 2010: Campaign Ad Database”

    -Caileen Gonzalez C-Block

  72. while watching this movie "wag the dog" it made me think that media is greatly effected by the government. it makes us look at different types of views on politicians and government issues. media is affecting the presidential debate by showing us two sides of each canidates stories. these commercials show how the person running for office has greatly helped the united states or hurt it.
    chrissy f.

  73. Media reflects, shapes, and informs politics in the modern world by constantly repeating messages from the candidate to the voters. Almost like brainwashing, to get their point across and to grasp their potential voters attention. Also commercials, radio, talk shows, and even tabloids play a role on either building an image on a candidate or by tearing them down. Most Americans vote candidates either by their platform or by other people's opinions. A talk show host can share her opinion on a future candidate and the viewer can take it in, kinda like feeding off his or her opinion, either as a positive or negative view. Media influences the modern world by creating an image, the type that says hero. In commercials , each candidate is presented either by their positive changes in platform or presented in a slander, scandalous matter. In the news, candidates are also based on what the public thinks and their popularity percentage. Like in the movie, "Wag the Dog", the presidents advisor and team put on a "show" for the public to view while the real event that occurred is slowly fading away. Media is Affecting the current presidential race by mostly focusing what the president is doing every second and chance a reporter can get. I think how media is influencing politics is alittle funny and manipulating. 

    Sources: my notes from the movie and 

    -Brenda Gonzalez d block

  74. In the modern world, the media does shape politics. People watch the news and if they are seeing catchy propagandas, they will start to change their vote, or feel even strongly about a vote. The media pays journalists to promote certain issues, the government and individuals contract public relation firms to sell a war and the public relations feed stories to the press. Sometimes these propagandas are informative, but mostly are used to persuade someone to vote a certain way.
    Peoples’ minds are easily persuaded when they see something that interests them. Stating that, the media is the most influential tools in the United States. One very popular sites used is Youtube. There are many videos persuading people to vote certain ways. People as young as ten years old go on the Internet, especially Youtube. So the media can influence kids as well as adults on the Internet.
    The media is affecting the current United States presidential race because they turned the propaganda videos harsh. Rather than posting positive about their ideal candidate, they exposed the negative of the opposing candidate. Everything is posted online, or on the news, or out on the street. Everyone knows what goes on with the presidential race because of the media.

    Corporations, By. "Media Manipulation — Global Issues." Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All — Global Issues. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    The 2012 Presidential Election — Will Barack Obama Win the 2012 Presidential Election? Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Danielle Ianazzi
    E Block
