Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog #6: 2nd Marking Period Research Project - Modern Problems and Politics in your Nation of Study

For the final blog assignment of the second marking period you will advance your understanding of the nation you researched for your paper by analyzing recent news articles related to a specific political or human rights issue in that country. The issue or event you select will ultimately shape the film/documentary trailer you will be working on next marking period, so be sure you are genuinely interested in the topic. In addition, it is an EXCELLENT idea to use the issue you've selected for your capstone project if possible. Your research will enhance the international component of that assessment.

You will select and analyze three news articles summarizing the impact of a single poltical or human rights issue in your nation of study.

The articles selected for this assignment must reflect international perspectives (they must be from the media of at least TWO different nations.)

Questions you MUST answer in your summary include:

-WHat are the roots of this problem/conflict?
-Who is being most directly affected?
-Who is responsible or being held responsible?
-How are leaders and organizations working to alleviate this problem?
-How does the structure of power in this nation contribute to or alleviate this problem?

Note: if you haven't completed the first part of this project, please select a nation and move forward with this assignment anyway. I'll be happy to help you chose one - just ask!

Some topics you might like to research include:

-Effects and events of specific wars in your nation of study

-Race based conflict and discrimination

-Women’s suffrage/ voting rights

-Universal suffrage/ voting rights

-Impact of specific leaders and/ or dictators

-Gender parity (difference) and/or discrimination

-Labor issues, strikes, and unions


-Imperial rule and colonialism

-Indigenous/ native rights


-Health crises

-Human trafficking (may be labor or sex work related)

-Pollution, water and waste management



-Child rights issues (soldiers, labor, slavery, orphan crises, health crises, education and infanticide (killing of unwanted babies) are some issues you might chose to focus on)

For the purposes of this assignment you must Cite your THREE internet or printed articles in MLA format( ) will format citations for you in MLA if you have the necessary information.

No fewer than 200 words - articles must be recent (last 5 years)

This is not a pair or group assignment. Even students who are researching the same issues in the same nation should end up with original articles and ideas.

Due: Tuesday, Dec. 7


  1. Adetola Adeosun
    Sudan a country located in Northeast Africa and is the largest country on the continent. Unfortunately this country has been experiencing conflict and genocide that has been on-going for some seven harsh years. Conflict arose between the Muslim Arabs in the north and the animists and Christians in the south during the 20th century when nationalism in Sudan skyrocketed. In 2004 a conflict in Darfur was put to an end but the government allowed militia to attack villagers and rebel groups. This was the beginning of their genocide.

    As the genocide erupted the Khartoum government ignored international requests to put an end to the violence. The U.N deployed 26,000 troops to aid in Sudan but the violence still went on. The Bush administration furthered the sanctions put on the country and the International Criminal Court (ICC) indicted Omar al-Bashir on three counts of genocide in July of 2010. According to the BBC news article “Darfur warrant for Sudan’s Bashir: ICC adds genocide” the three counts include “genocide by killing, genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm, and genocide by deliberately inflicting on each target group conditions of life calculated to bring about the group’s physical destruction”. The ICC blames President Omar al Bashir for the genocide and plan on indicting him and making him take responsibility for his inhumane actions.

    According to the NY Times, Omar al Bashir is accused of affiliating himself with Osama bin Laden. The people of Darfur would be happier if he were out of power because there would be a lot less violence, terrorism and death in this part of Sudan. However, the people in Khartoum deem Bashir popular amongst them. The gross domestic product of Sudan has nearly tripled since Bashir came into power and he increased the amount of schools, roads, and hospitals which is why he was loved by the northern part of Sudan. This article shows that there are people in Sudan who favor the President even though he was convicted of war crimes because his power is helping them.

    According to the Irish Times, the President of Sudan attended a meeting in Chad during the summer of 2010 where he was greeted at the airport by their President Idriss Deby. Chad has been advised to arrest President Omar al-Bashir, but denied the requests of the U.N., and disregarded the Rome Statute, that “binds members to honour arrest warrants issued by the court” Another article from the Irish Times claims that there have been bullets from China found in the Darfur region of Sudan that were used in attacks against the U.N and the African Union. According to the article countries that are part of the U.N. are allowed to supply Sudan with weapons but they must be guaranteed by the government that they will not be used in Darfur. This article shows that there are countries hindering the execution of the violence in the Darfur region of Sudan.

    "BBC News - Darfur Warrant for Sudan's Bashir: ICC Adds Genocide." BBC - Homepage. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. .
    Clarke, Jody. "Chad Urged to Arrest Sudan's President - The Irish Times - Fri, Jul 23, 2010." The Irish Times – Irish News, Business News, Sports News & Ireland Weather Online. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. .
    Coonan, Clifford. "China Denies Report of Chinese Bullets Found in Darfur - The Irish Times - Fri, Oct 22, 2010." The Irish Times – Irish News, Business News, Sports News & Ireland Weather Online. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. .
    Hutchings/Reuters, Mike. "Omar Hassan Al-Bashir." Web. 5 Dec. 2010. .

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  3. The Philippines is one of the favored destinations of pedophile sex tourists from Europe and the United States. Men from Australia and Great Britain are primary suspects as perpetrators of child prostitution in the Philippines. Prostituted children and women are forced into prostitution due to poverty.
    According to an article on PinoyPress, three women come from poor families, and are looking for jobs outside the country to support their families back home. Working outside the country, they expected to find work as domestic helpers, however they ended up as prostitutes. The Local Inter-Agency Task Force against Trafficking in Person (LIATFAT) was created by the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003. Their human traffickers had disappeared and the crime includes having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. Human trafficking thrives in this city because of effective parental consent. The reason why these women were victimized because they were approached by these people in hope they will send back money to the family.
    Another article from newsbreak, states that the Republic of Korea is another country that was shamed by the US State Department Trafficking in Persons reports. The article states that the government is not doing anything to fight human trafficking. Women from the Philippines that worked in nightclubs and bars outside US military facilities in Korea became the focus of concern. Filipinas represent the most extreme cases of sexual exploitation due to their English language skills. Korea created its E-6 or entertainer visa. Due to the creation of this visa, women from the Philippines, Russia, and Eastern European countries have made up the majority of holders of Korean entertainer visas. The structure of power in Korea contributes to this problem because if the creation of the entertainer visa did not exist, less trafficking would occur in the country.
    Lastly, another article from Irin News, talks about the legal system falling short on human trafficking. The article talks about a twenty-year old girl dreaming of a brighter future for her family, but instead she was forced into marrying a man more than twice her age from South Korea to get an entry visa to that country. Many Filipinos are voluntary labour migrants who are later coerced into exploitative conditions, including forced marriages. However, the country’s legal system is unable to prosecute such cases, allowing traffickers to work with impunity. The CFO is helping the twenty-year old girl in her case against the traffickers. The women has been approached by the traffickers and she has no hope in giving up due to her not having a job and her family being poor.
    1. IRIN. "Legal System Falls Short on Human Trafficking." 22 July 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    2. Sarmiento, Bong S. "Human Trafficking in the Philippines." 7 Mar. 2008. Web. .
    3. De Castro, Isagani. "Human Trafficking in Asia - Internet Porn: Untouchable Crime." Newsbreak | Independent Journalism | The Most Credible Current-affairs Publication in the Philippines. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    4. "Philippines- Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution." The University of Rhode Island. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

  4. In France provery is a big issue there are abourt 100,00 of homeless people in france
    And 100,000 people are sleeping outside in tents.
    According to deutsche welle Germany news in this article call France Bows to Growing Protests Over Homelessness issued in 06.01.2007 it stated how in France at the time people were protesting on the streets to stop homeless in France. It states in the article that there is estimated 100,000 of them in France -- that an organization called the Children of Don Quixote is fighting for. It was this group which took over the abandoned office building in a ritzy part of Paris to provide housing for people such as Sadek and has been calling on the government to help them. By 2012, the government wants the right to housing to be legally enforceable for all, with a guarantee provided by the state, or in some cases regional or local authorities. The protest started when a small group of the children of Don Quixote pitched a 200- strong tent camp along Paris canal. One million people in France don’t own a home of their own 100,00 sleep rough while the rest live in campsites ,hotel ,or shelters and another two million people have housing problems.
    French Homeless Make Paris Home by Anita Elash from npr in this article it states how group of homeless people how they created small villages of tents along river seine and around the French capital. This whole thing is to draw attention to homeless

    On bbc news the article is called French PM vows to help homeless it stated in this story how a housing bill will be presented to the cabinet on January 17 as the government came under renewed pressure to help the homeless people because of all the tents and protesting that is going on in France everywhere. There is a government plan in France that rights housing will apply to homeless people, impoverished workers and single mothers and all those living in slums are to benefit from the same right from the start of 2010 the plan entails the construction of 120,000 new homes every year up to 2012.
    "France Bows to Growing Protests Over Homelessness | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 06.01.2007." Home | Deutsche Welle. Trans. By 2012. 1 June 2007. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    "French Homeless Make Paris Home : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 3 Aug. 2006. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    "Frances Homeless Step up Their Struggle » Peoplesworld." Home » Peoplesworld. 26 Jan. 2006. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    -Alexandra cifu d block

    India is known for many things such as its culture, religion, beliefs, and clothing, but no country is perfect. India has human rights issues that has been in the concern of many citizens and other people. Child labor still happens in India today. In the Constitution of India, Article 14 says, " No child below the age of 14 shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment," but some parts of India seem to ignore this amendment and put children through more "hazardous" situations. According to an article from India, Labor contractors and large landowners continue to employ children, often exposing them to vulnerable situations. In July of 2006, a group of 19 adolescent boys and girls from Kherwada block of Udaipur district were hired through a middleman to work in a cottonseed farm in Mehsana district of Gujarat. According to older girls in the group, the owner of the farm and his partners sexually harassed three of them and when they resisted they were beaten.
    According to BBC News, cheap labor is one commodity India has in abundance. The presence of the journalist from the United States was not welcomed. As she was speaking to the young girls the owners came in and ordered them to leave. BBC News made it aware that India's economy continues to boom as the years go by which leads more children to work. Children in India gets paid less than 2 dollars a week. The United States' reflection on child Labor in India is to make organizations to raise money to help children in need in India such as the ILO "International Labor Organization". They raise money and help children who are suffering from child Labor.

    The people of the Netherlands has also taken a part of the action to help child labor in India. The India Committee of the Netherlands informs the public in the Netherlands and in Europe about India and how social, economic and political developments in the West influence of the daily lives of millions of Indians. The ICN supports their struggle against poverty, oppression, unequal treatment and degradation of their environment. They believe that the Constitution of India is not a great reflection to help the children because till this day, there are many children suffering at a young age from work. The ICN's goal is to influence the people of Europe to help make a change. They promote different action plans through the ECCJ which is the European Coalition for Corporate Justice.

    The situation of child laborers in India is desperate. Children work long hours and are not properly nourished they are being affected greatly. Seventy five percent of Indian population still resides in rural areas and are very poor. According to the Constitution of India, Article 39 "Children shall be given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth shall be protected against moral and material abandonment," but children continue to suffer working and be sexually harassed.The Indian government has tried to take some steps to alleviate the problem of child labor in recent years by invoking a law that makes the employment of children below 14 illegal,but still this does not help with the situation as children are being harassed and can easily fool the law. Factories usually find loopholes. Also in villages there is no law implementing mechanism, violating laws is almost non existent, so to help other countries has worked together and with India to help these children escape this lifestyle.

    Bibliography: 1)Dhariwal Davdip. "Child Labour in India Cheap Commodity" June 13, 2006 Web

    2) ECCJ European Coalition for Cooporate Justice (organization),012-.html?lang=en Web.

    3)Biasakh Pradeep, India Together " Child Labour in Gujarat's Cottonseed Farms" February 9, 2010 web

    A BLOCK.

    Cambodia is the destination country for human trafficking. Cambodias main probelem is sex tourisim, involving young children. Most children are sold by their own PARENTS. The average amount of money a household recieves in less then 300.00 dollars A YEAR. The young children get severely abused if they deny getting into prostitution.

    The people that are most affected by this horriable outbreak are the children of course. Children as young as five years old are forced into this lifestyle. Children are beaten, tourterd & starved to death if they want out, or don't want in period. 55,000 prostitues in Cambodia are under the age of 16!

    Most of these prostitution buisnesses are being ran by the vietnamese. Most of the brothels volenteered sex slaves are vietnamese, all others that were forced into the buisness are different nationalities. The pimps that are also in charge save the virgins for the highest bidders & that is were they make most of their money, on the virgins.

    In 2008, the Government introduced a new law. Law of Supression of Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploiation. In Cambodia there is NO structure & NO real law. It is such a poor country that everyone feels free to do what they want, as long as they are getting money. With absolotly NO real government, of course it will be corrupt. Such horriable things are going on because there really isn't anyone truly stopping it.

  7. Jose Valentin
    According to Asia Times, Tokyo, Japan throughout the years has been having debates about giving voting rights to foreigners, who has been living permanently in Japan. There have been many contradictions if this right should be given, for example to the ethnic Koreans that live in Japan. That basically means people of Korean descent, some of whom was born in Japan and has lived in Japan their whole lives. Senior politicians have been expected to delay the acceptance of this new bill in the Diet of Japan because many are very sensitive and strong opinionated about the subject. Political leaders such as Governor Kiyoshi Udea does not support that add of this new bill because Udea feels, “the government grants special permanent resident status to people from the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan who have lived in the country since the time of Japan's colonial rule over those areas, and to their descendants”. Government in Japan was concerned about this new bill because other countries might take over their political system.
    Koreans that live in Japan feel that they should be eligible to vote because they live there. That Is there home and they should be able to vote on the person running the country because they have a say just as much as the Japanese people. Koreans that live in Japan feel they are not respected as people just because they are not Japanese. South Korea's president called on the Japanese government to establish a reciprocal plan, which prompted Japan's prime minister to pledge to study voting rights in local elections for foreigners with permanent residence.
    According to Daily Yomuiuri while some people disagree with this new bill, some people feel it is appropriate to have those people rooted in their local communities to share the responsibility in solving problems and developing their communities because more than 2.2 million foreign residents are registered in Japan, and 910,000 of them have been granted permanent resident status. Japan is already a country comprising people with various backgrounds.
    According to the BBC News, Koreans feel that Japan owes them that much to let them vote after letting them suffer throughout the years when Koreans became sex slaves to the Japanese people.
    Based on Kyodo News, People were able to vote on referendums on ‘‘important matters concerning the municipal governance’’ is accorded to people including permanent residents of three years or longer. As of the end of March, Kawasaki had around 1,122,000 residents aged 18 or older. Of them, around 19,000 were foreigners. Everyone is now allowed to vote but many Japanese people are still very upset because they feel that Japan is for Japanese people. They argue over the right to vote. Everyone should have the right to vote. The Constitution of Japan grants freedom of thought, and equality which means everyone should be given equal opportunities even voting.

    Bibliography 1: Kakuchi ,Suvendrini Asia Times “Japan at odds on voting rights for foreign residents” Novermber 22, 2010. Website
    2: Taikin Tei “Koreans in Japan would become permanent foreigners” Daily Yomiuri Feburary 24, 2010 website
    3: Kyodo News “Haraguchi positive on foreigner voting rights” October 9, 2009. Web
    4: National Diet - Japan's Government
    5: BBC News__

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    Poverty is the state or condition of having little to no money, goods, or means of support. Many countries around the world have people suffering from poverty. Argentina is one of them. Argentina suffered an economic collapse in 2001 which left more than half of the population living in poverty with no way out. In November of 2001, President de la Rua held a meeting with President George W. Bush to make a last-ditch attempt (done finally in desperation to avoid defeat, failure, etc) to avoid an economic crash in Argentina. However, it wasn’t a success. In December 2001, Economy Minister Cavallo announced restrictions to halt an exodus of bank deposits. From then on the economy suffered greatly with banking and foreign activity suspended, and people unable to retrieve money in any accounts they owned. The Argentinean government is to blame for downfall of the economy. The government failed to pay back its’ debt, hence why the economy became progressively worse as time went on. Taking out foreign loans helped the downfall because the government failed to pay back the loans. No legitimate solution has been made to bring up Argentina’s economy, but the government is trying to not cause anymore debt and find alternative ways to relieve the debt.

    Along with Argentina, Brazil also suffers from poverty. Out of a population of 191 million, 51% of the country suffers from poverty and haven’t found a way out of it. A huge aspect of why many people deal with poverty is because either the husbands migrate to other places and never return or single parents have to take responsibility of everything. The poor have little to no access to education, food & supplies, work, and barely live in houses. Although the government steps in and gives poverty line people access to resources, it isn’t enough to help fully pull them out of poverty. President Cardoso’s goal is to try & establish a steady economy in Brazil. The huge wealth gap makes solving poverty rather difficult cause very few people are middle class.

    1. Unknown. "BBC News - Argentina Country Profile." BBC News - Home. 27 Oct. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    2. Time, By This. "The Economic Collapse of Argentina." Oldrich Kyn. Apr. 2002. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    3. IFAD. "Home." Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    4. Gibb, Tom. "BBC News | AMERICAS | Brazil Declares War against Poverty." BBC News - Home. Mar. 2001. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .


  15. Seychelle Cordero C Block

    Before Haiti's huge crisis the nation struggled to feed and create shelter for the expanding population. Millions relied on food aid and looked for work. During the 1700's Haiti was the richest colony represented more than half of France's economy. Haiti was then hit with natural disasters and HIV. According to, "Haiti: A Historical Perspective" The United States has been helping give food to Haiti and this has put farmers in Haiti out of work. The article states that Haiti will need to rebuild it's roads and infrastructure in order to transport goods. The article also states it's very difficult for Haiti to have support from other countries since Haiti is supposably a country that is involved with the devil.
    There are also many other reasons why Haiti is going through this poverty crisis. Haiti suffered an earthquake in which over 100,000 people lost their lives. In, "Poverty The Root of Haiti's High Quake Death Toll" it mentions the prime minister of Haiti talking about the earthquake. It was estimated that more than 78% of people in Haiti live in poverty. The article states that Haiti's main reason for the nations poverty is natural disasters. Natural disasters occur all over the world but Haiti got hit very hard with this earthquake. The Prime minister states that no one could have predicted this tragedy to happen in Haiti but it did and he is saddened. There have been community based organizations that raise money to help the people of Haiti. Many celebrities have donated and created organizations in which raising money for the people of Haiti can help end poverty and gain jobs, education and more.

    Poverty isn't only a problem in Haiti but in many other countries. Poverty in India is a very huge issue as well. India is estimated to have a third of the entire world's poor. India falls below the poverty line. Over 456 million Indians live in poverty in their nation. The rupee has also decreased in value which makes the situation only worse and more difficult for India to come up. It was stated that 35.1% of Indians in India owned a radio, 9.1% owned a television, 43.7% owned a bicycle and 2.5% owned a car or jeep.
    According to, "Poverty in India: Current Situation" India has gone up in economic growth but poverty levels are still very high. This article states that the main reasons for India's poverty are high population growth, large families, the caste system, unequal distribution of money and illiteracy. The reasons for rural poverty in India are because of disease, malnutrition, health problems, lack of proper housing and more. The lack of opportunity to quality health and education has been a step taken in trying to help India recover from massive poverty. This article also states that it's very important that the state and central government do not clash in order to focus on the true issue of poverty.

    1. "Poverty in India - Cause of Poverty in India, Ways to Reduce Poverty in India." Business and Trade Events Directory - International Trade Shows, Conferences. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    2.Fleming, Richard. "Haiti Earthquake: Poverty the Root of High Death Toll." Sydney Morning Herald - Business & World News Australia | 14 Jan. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    3.Smith, Karen. "Reasons Behind Haiti’s Poverty - Newsweek." Newsweek - National News, World News, Business, Health, Technology, Entertainment, and More - Newsweek. 16 Jan. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

  16. When one thinks of Italy the last thing they would think of are Somalia refuges becoming a major problem throughout the country. More and more refuges from Somalia are coming to Italy and throughout Europe in search for a better life. Somalia in present day is essentially a country will a failing to almost non existent government. Since government is lacking there is no control. Somali pirates who we hear about everywhere are hijacking ships throughout the Indian Ocean. Ships are held for ransom and the pirates return to shore without a trace. With the growing concern of piracy throughout the ocean it would make sense for the Somali government to take action. Several reforms have been put in place to try and limit the amount of hijacked boats and illegal fishing but there not much the failing Somali government can do. Somalia is also home to one of the largest child soldier army’s. Children as young as nine are being recruited into the Samali army. To make matters worse the United States tax payers and partially funding the TFG. The (TFG) “Transitional Federal Government” is the government of Somalia. Somalia’s own government is recruiting these young kids in order to help with the long going 20 year civil war that has rattled the country. The streets of Somali’s major cities like Mogadishu look like modern war zones. Car bombs are frequent and its home to the large terrorist group Al-Qaeda. With all that going on in Somalia it’s to see why one would want to get out. The citizens are Somalia are most affected by the outbreak of Chaos. They have no control of what happening around them and are forced to live with it. Unless of cause they leave and ship themselves to go old Italy. But unfortunately they are not getting the treatment they have so longed for.
    Once the refuges arrive in Italy after a four day boat ride in cramped courters, their welcoming is not sincere. Jobs are scarce and no help is awarded from the Italian government to these refuges. Some are sent back right as they arrive and most can’t find jobs and end up living on the streets. Some hope is offered to the refuges in small business’ they open if they have enough money. Somali restaurants and small nick knack shops are common among Somali’s living in Italy. Women find jobs cleaning houses and become maids and the rest are left out in the wind.
    Much debate and controversy has been brought up concerning the Italian government and these refuges especially in the UN. Many of these refugees arrive in large numbers, some ships carrying 1000 refuges all coming into Italy. Debate has been brought up that these refuges are being sent home not because of where they come from but the numbers they are arriving in. “They should be given access to a safe country, to asylum, to protection” says UNHCR envoy Juergen Humburg. People are arriving coming from a corrupt failing country just to travel to a country that offers little to no help at all. The refuges are found being bounced around from one European nation to another like a pinball. Countries like Ireland also have refugee camps available to Somali refugees. But a lack of support by the Irish society makes them hard to maintain. The refugee count in Ireland is at about 3000 but discrimination based on race and color has made it a hard life in Ireland as well. This is happening in many countries throughout Europe and actions are being taken to try and prevent it but they are just not coming fast enough. Italy has the sixth largest Economy in the world and is a major country throughout. There is no reason why these refuges should not be aided by the government.

    Citation's down below

  17. 1-"BBC NEWS | Europe | UN Attacks Italy's Refugee Policy." BBC News - Home. Web. 06 Dec. 2010.
    2-Fisher, By Ian. "The Seattle Times: Nation & World: Italy Disillusions Somali Refugees." The Seattle Times | Seattle Times Newspaper. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    3-BRONWYN, BRUTON. "In Somalia, Talk to the Enemy." New York Times. 24 July 2010. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. .
    4- Smyth, Jamie. "Ireland's Direct-provision Hostels like 'refugee Camps' - The Irish Times - Tue, Oct 26, 2010." The Irish Times – Irish News, Business News, Sports News & Ireland Weather Online. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    James Verdi, D-Block

  18. The war in Northern Uganda is a well known issue around the world mostly because Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord‘s Resistance Army (LRA), is one of the world’s most wanted men of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC). This war has been going on since the 1980’s when the LRA was formed by Joseph Kony who took the place of the previous motivator Alice Lakwena. Lawkena believed she was spoken to by the “Holy Spirit” and told to overthrow the Ugandan government for being unfair to the people of Uganda also known as the Acholi. The articles “The nightmare of Northern Uganda” by Don Cheadle and John Prendergast from the New York Times and “Northern Uganda has lived on a knife’s edge for too long” by John Akec from the Sudan Tribune both talk about the war and “the way forward.” These articles present similar yet very different views. Both articles agree that what is going on in Northern Uganda is terrible using words such as “nightmare” and phrases such as “lived on a knife’s edge.” However the article from the New York Times compares this war to children’s Grimm Brother fairytales while the article from the Sudan Tribune says that because of this war and the government’s inability to create a fair peace deal, the Ugandan people have been forced to live dangerously and in fear of dying or becoming abducted each day. The New York Times article talks about how the LRA is the people to blame because they are committing a hushed mass genocide, while abducting many children and torturing many people who resist them. However, in the Sudan Tribune article the writer talks about how in a BBC interview with Kony, Kony blamed the torture and abduction of children on the Ugandan leader Museveni. The writer suggest that there is no good guy and bad guy, both Kony and Museveni are to blame for the mass killings in Uganda and the everlasting war. He also suggests the Ugandan government is using this idea of the monstrous LRA as a cover-up for all of their crimes, putting all of the blame on the LRA and none on themselves when they are both equally responsible. Organizations such as UNICEF and Invisible Children are working to end the use of child soldiers and help rehabilitate the people affected by the war. Lastly, the article “Children of War in Uganda” by Keith Morrison and Tim Sandler from the Dateline NBC shares the same perspective as the NY Times article. The article explains how the root of this problem can be traced back to the civil war in Northern Uganda, and Joseph Kony is to blame. Ugandan people are being most affected including the children. The neighboring countries such as Sudan are also being affected. The US government say they donate tens of millions of dollars for humanitarian aid to Ugandans who are forced from their homes. The ICC has also issued warrants for Kony and his top commanders for the charges of war crimes.


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  20. Human trafficking has been an ongoing issue for centuries. Most people understand the importance of resolving the conflict of women and children ultimately being sold for their body, but do not realize that the problem is still occurring in modernized countries. In Italy, human trafficking has become a major issue within the government and is rapidly becoming a global issue. Every continent is being affected by the impact of human trafficking and in response, solutions to the issue are being raised to prevent and protect those who are being targeted.
    Foreign women and teenage girls are being offered a better life where they will no longer be poverty-stricken and are given the opportunity to travel abroad. Most teenagers are willing to travel to Italy given the opportunity while making money, which is why the public needs to be more educated about what human trafficking is and the effects it may have on a person and their family. In Italy, there are 19,000-25,000 foreign prostitutes and of those, 2,000 have been trafficked. Some women become prostitutes by choice because they want to make money and send it to their families. Nigerian women are very frequently being trafficked into Italy because of the promises that are made to them and are willing to give up their body so they are no longer poor. This issue is most directly affecting women and teenage girls. No particular party is being held responsible because this issue has become a global issue where every country is becoming involved to prevent trafficking from occurring. In Italy, the Ministry of Interior is responsible for immigration, civil liberties of immigrants, citizenships, minorities and missing people, which also makes them responsible for human trafficking issues. The Ministry of Interior has already established a system to protect human trafficking victims. If a child who has been trafficked is located, they are granted residency in Italy until they are 18. If an adult is located who has been trafficked, they are given a 6-month residency permit in Italy unless they receive a job. The Ministry of Interior has helped raise awareness of human trafficking by establishing campaigns and radio advertisements. Because of the ministry’s distinct responsibilities, it helps alleviate the issue because the specific group of politicians can help create specific resolutions to the human trafficking conflict.
    BBC News reported that the UN has launched a campaign to highlight human trafficking because it has reached a point where it has become an epidemic. Human trafficking has taken many different forms and in Europe trafficking is connected to sex related exploitation. The Times (England) reported that the Pope is calling for urgent global action to halt human trafficking. The intensity of this global issue requires strategies designed by the European Union and African countries in order to eliminate trafficking from Nigeria to Italy. states that human trafficking has become the third biggest source of income for criminal organizations globally and almost 80% of women that are trafficked are sexually exploited. All countries agree that this issue needs to be resolved as quickly as possible.

  21. Human trafficking has been an ongoing issue for centuries. Most people understand the importance of resolving the conflict of women and children ultimately being sold for their body, but do not realize that the problem is still occurring in modernized countries. In Italy, human trafficking has become a major issue within the government and is rapidly becoming a global issue. Every continent is being affected by the impact of human trafficking and in response, solutions to the issue are being raised to prevent and protect those who are being targeted.
    Foreign women and teenage girls are being offered a better life where they will no longer be poverty-stricken and are given the opportunity to travel abroad. Most teenagers are willing to travel to Italy given the opportunity while making money, which is why the public needs to be more educated about what human trafficking is and the effects it may have on a person and their family. In Italy, there are 19,000-25,000 foreign prostitutes and of those, 2,000 have been trafficked. Some women become prostitutes by choice because they want to make money and send it to their families. Nigerian women are very frequently being trafficked into Italy because of the promises that are made to them and are willing to give up their body so they are no longer poor. This issue is most directly affecting women and teenage girls. No particular party is being held responsible because this issue has become a global issue where every country is becoming involved to prevent trafficking from occurring. In Italy, the Ministry of Interior is responsible for immigration, civil liberties of immigrants, citizenships, minorities and missing people, which also makes them responsible for human trafficking issues. The Ministry of Interior has already established a system to protect human trafficking victims. If a child who has been trafficked is located, they are granted residency in Italy until they are 18. If an adult is located who has been trafficked, they are given a 6-month residency permit in Italy unless they receive a job. The Ministry of Interior has helped raise awareness of human trafficking by establishing campaigns and radio advertisements. Because of the ministry’s distinct responsibilities, it helps alleviate the issue because the specific group of politicians can help create specific resolutions to the human trafficking conflict.

  22. BBC News reported that the UN has launched a campaign to highlight human trafficking because it has reached a point where it has become an epidemic. Human trafficking has taken many different forms and in Europe trafficking is connected to sex related exploitation. The Times (England) reported that the Pope is calling for urgent global action to halt human trafficking. The intensity of this global issue requires strategies designed by the European Union and African countries in order to eliminate trafficking from Nigeria to Italy. states that human trafficking has become the third biggest source of income for criminal organizations globally and almost 80% of women that are trafficked are sexually exploited. All countries agree that this issue needs to be resolved as quickly as possible.


    "Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Italy." Welcome to GVNET.COM -- The Web Professionals. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

    TED Case Studies. "Italy-Women-Traffic." Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

    "Ministry of Interior-Editorial Report." Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

    "BBC NEWS | Special Reports | UN Highlights Human Trafficking." BBC News - Home. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

    Owen, Richard. "Pope Calls for Action to Stop Human Trafficking -Times Online." The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

    Zaccaro, Sabina. "Nigeria-Italy Human Trafficking Rises Sharply | (U.S.)." (U.S.) | beyond Your Own Borders. 11 Sept. 2009. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. .

    Lisa Borzi
    A Block

  23. The social differences between men and women in Luxembourg are not big but it still exists. Women are often on the negative receiving line of this gender inequality. Gender discrimination takes place both in the home and in the office. Women are not represented fairly in the government, they take up about 28% of Luxembourg work force, and have less opportunities for work as men do.
    Domestic violence is a clear example of how women are treated inequality in Luxembourg’s society. There is no law prohibiting domestic violence in the small country. In the year 2000, 362 women were admitted into shelters provided for those who were physically abused. In a population of 497,854 including men, women, and children, 362 women who were abused in their own homes is a surprisingly large number. The same year, 3,724 phone calls were made from distressed women to offices set up for the protection of these women. Further proof of gender inequality in Luxembourg society is the unequal pay women earn compared to the salary of men who do equivalent work. According to government reports, women were paid 20 to 30 percent less than that of a man.
    The government should be held responsible for this lack of inequality between men and women in Luxembourg. There should be laws against domestic violence. The government attempts to hash out this dispute by mandating equal pay for equal work. The Ministry for the Promotion of Women has an order to encourage a climate of equal treatment and opportunity for women.
    Social inequality rooted from the social norms that men were better than women. Masculinity takes form in society since the beginning of time because supposedly men are stronger than women.

    Fanny He

    1. Bureau of Public Affairs. "Luxembourg." U.S. Department of State. 4 Mar. 2005. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    2. News 352. "Women Still Suffer from Inequality in Luxembourg - on" 12 Feb. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    3. Country, By. "Population, Total | Data | Table." Data | The World Bank. 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. In current day Sri Lanka, sex trafficking (human trafficking) is an ongoing issue and has an impact on the nation. According to the Global Sexual Exploitation Factbook, nearly 12,000 children from rural areas are trafficked and prostituted to pedophiles by organized crime groups. Sex trafficking is known for its commercial sexual exploitation, as well as forced labor among children. Young children are targets for sexual exploitation; especially those with low social standing who are often the most vulnerable. Effects of sexual exploitation on children are profound, and may be permanent. Leaders and organization work to alleviate sex trafficking by enforcing strict laws on human rights. However, there are no simple solutions. The root causes of trafficking often lie in discrimination against minorities, unequal treatment of women and girl-children, and economic policies which fail to guarantee universal access to education and legal protection. Moreover, Sri Lanka is part in positive movements against child trafficking, Reform in sex trafficking include creating special bodies to protect child rights, the reform of juvenile justice systems, the training of police and judicial authorities and crackdowns on those who sexually exploit children.

    According to the Press Round Table reports with Ambassador Mark Lagon, the United States Department of State, work with other countries such as Sri Lanka to fight human trafficking. Lagon states that the leading cause of sex trafficking is due to the high demand of men for children or women who are sexually exploited commercially, or the demand for labor that is so cheap. The Department of State have found most of the prosecutions of criminals in the area of sex trafficking, and an emphasis on law enforcement. Lagon claims that there is a lack of effort by governments to work on protecting the victims. The Round Table Report states that the United States feels it is important to look at itself in the mirror and assess its own efforts.

    According to the United Kingdom BBC News, the United Nations says its two year campaogn with the Sri Lankan tourist board against child sex tourism continues to grow. Therefore, UNICEF will be extending their “Zero Tolerance” campaign to include more TV, radio and newspaper announcements. This effort began raising awareness. As a result, the United Kingdom UNICEF says that Sri Lanka is the first country in South Asia with a national plan of action to combat child sex tourism, and has an opportunity to lead the way for other countries in the region.

    Hughes, Donna M. "Sri Lanka - Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution." The University of Rhode Island. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    Lagon, Mark. "Embassy of the United States Sri Lanka and the Maldives - Transcripts." Embassy of the United States Sri Lanka and the Maldives - Home. U.S. Embassy, 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    "BBC NEWS | South Asia | UN Targets Lanka Child Sex Trade." BBC News - Home. 20 July 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    Marisch Perera
    E Block

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Chamika Wanigatunga
    US Gov’t Marking Period 2
    Blog # 6

    The Government Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has been accused of many war crimes including crimes committed against its own people. Many of these accusations come predominantly from the minority ethnicity group known as the Tamils. After crushing the Tamil Tiger rebels, and killing their leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil were an armed group branded as terrorists by many nations around the world including the US, UK, and India. During their 26 year-long presence in the northern part of Sri Lanka, brainwashed and trained child soldiers as young as nine years, used Tamil civilians as human shields, even killed Tamil civilians to later place blame on the Sri Lankan Military. The actions of the LTTE were a part of a relentless drive to secure an independent Tamil homeland after decades of oppression at the hands of the Singhalese controlled government. Being recognized as one of the richest terrorist organizations in the world, the LTTE pioneered the suicide belt, and was the first terrorist organization to possess an air force.
    For almost thirty years, The LTTE terrorized, maimed, an slaughtered their way to controlling about ¼ of the small South Asian Island. As powerful as the LTTE was however, the organization crumbled after a major military offensive by Sri Lankan Government troops. The government considered the offensive a symbol of conquest as much as it was of liberation of the civilians who were being trapped in the warzone by the LTTE during the final stages of the war. According to the article from the New York Times by Lyda Polgreen, by the end of the Sri Lankan Civil War, in mid-2009, 300,000 Tamil civilians were left without homes. These people are referred to by the international community as IDPs(Internally Displaced Persons). The government even after the end of the civil war kept civilians against their will inside of camps. Though these camps had schools, food, water, and areas of worship readily available, many Tamil civilians felt as though their civil rights were being violated. One Tamil man feels resent after the very army that liberated him later trapped him. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa attempted to justify this by stating that the final remnants LTTE might still be lurking among the civilians, and before they are set free, these loose ends have to be ridden of. These loose ends also include land mines. These actions have garnered much attention from the international attention, especially from the West which has questioned whether captured LTTE conspirators will receive a fair trial. In addition to this, many of the camps have been accused of being similar to camps in which Japanese Americans were placed in during WWII. Though more unsanitary. The independent media is barred from camps, and they were rarely open to visitors. The majority of the Tamil population has since been allowed to settle back in to their homes by the government, and as of November 2010, 94% of the captive civilians have been released. There still currently around 20,000 civilians being held in government controlled camps.

  28. cont...

    Throughout the course of the Sri Lankan Civil War, both the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE have been found of Human Rights abuses, and either side have been known to point fingers at each other, and act like children disguised as governing influences. It is undeniable however that both the Government, and the LTTE have the blood of innocent civilians on their hands, and all one can hope for is that a peace process and a return to normalcy will be achieved as soon as possible.
    Authors, Multiple. "Rajapaksa 'linked to Tamil Deaths' - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English."AJE - Al Jazeera English. 02 Dec. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    Polgreen, Lyda. "Tamils Now Languish in Sri Lanka Camps." Http:// 12 July 2009. Web. 6 Dec. 2010. .

    Authors, Multiple. "Unlock the Camps in Sri Lanka | Amnesty International." Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights. 06 Aug. 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

  29. Italy is located in western Europe, sadly there is a major conflict involving human trafficking. Women and children are the main targets of human trafficking. They come from Africa, Russia, Albania, Spain, China, Japan, South America,Cuba. They are either involved with forced labor, and sexual exploitation. The ages range from 11-18.

    There is an article on human trafficking that is about a women who can not afford to send her child to school. She meets a women who offers her a job to work in a restaurant in Italy. She takes the job expecting to go in a reastarant. It turned out to be a whole different story. Her and six other girls were thrown into a van.The women end up in a deserted house with men standing in a room. She was forced to have sex with four different men. The women were being transported from place to place for a month. They were headed for Italy to be sold, a man gives her money to call her new owner. She used it for food at a bakery. The baker called a shelter because she looked poor and unhealthy. That was her escape. The main victims of human trafficking are teens, women, and people in desparate need of money. A possible solution is undercover cops playing the role as the dealers and pimps.

    A second article on the aspect of human trafficking on is about a women named Kate Transchel and how her expirence in human trafficking dramatized her life forever. Her and two other women were led into a room with men sitting on a couch. They were forced to take off their tops. The first women hesitated and they beat her. Kate had quickly put up her top, jumped over the couch, and out the window. When she had awakened, The girl that was beaten had two broken legs. She was one of many women being auctioned.She still has nightmares and headaches about her expirence. Now Kate is writing a novel about her expirence and struggle to survive as a victim of human trafficking. The roots of this problem are the drug dealers and gang members. The government should step in and take action, put themselves in the victims shoes.

    A third article on human trafficking is in China. The article is about men, women, and children being forced into sexual exploitation, and forced labor. They are forced to work as farmers, and brick kilns. They recieve little or no pay at all, over 367 mentally handicapped people working in fields. There live in very vile living conditions. Workers are being beaten on a daily basis. The chinese government established a task force to dismantle these organizations. Over 277,000 brick kilns were shut down, and 1,340 people were rescued, and over 147 dealers were konvicted 5-20 years in prison. If the drug dealers, and gang members are put in prison, then the human trafficking deficit will rapidly cease.





    Adrian Nieves C-Block

  30. One of the main issues facing French society today is poverty/homelessness with approximately 100,000 people living without proper shelter.
    In an article published in the German news source from Deutsche Welle, an article entitled “France Bows to Growing Protests Over Homelessness”, talks about how there were many protests in the streets of France to try and get relief for the homeless. One of the main organizations that are fighting for this relief is called Children of Don Quixote. One of the things that this organization did to help the homeless people is take over an abandoned office building and use that space to give shelter to the homeless. According to the article, there are homes that are subsidized by the French government for those people who have the financial need for it. Unfortunately for them, there is an apparent lack in these homes. However there are tent cities, (homeless people who have covered large areas of the streets in tents for shelter), that have helped to push legislation along. The one pertaining to this article is said to be along the Paris Canal. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin announced that a bill is being brought to the French cabinet that will give the homeless people the “legal right” to housing. The French government is planning on implementing this new law by 2012.
    “Frances Homeless Step Up their Struggle” is a news article published in Peoples World that talks about the some problems France is facing as in the previous article. The article mostly talks about the legislation that is planning on being passed in order to give the legal right to the French homeless people to housing. This article also talks about how the banks of France have many houses in their possession but have them listed as incredibly high prices, which is seems obvious that people cant afford to buy these homes. This only cause more people to become homeless because they can’t keep up with payments.

    One of the main issues facing French society today is poverty/homelessness with approximately 100,000 people living without proper shelter.
    In an article published in the German news source from Deutsche Welle, an article entitled “France Bows to Growing Protests Over Homelessness”, talks about how there were many protests in the streets of France to try and get relief for the homeless. One of the main organizations that are fighting for this relief is called Children of Don Quixote. One of the things that this organization did to help the homeless people is take over an abandoned office building and use that space to give shelter to the homeless. According to the article, there are homes that are subsidized by the French government for those people who have the financial need for it. Unfortunately for them, there is an apparent lack in these homes. However there are tent cities, (homeless people who have covered large areas of the streets in tents for shelter), that have helped to push legislation along. The one pertaining to this article is said to be along the Paris Canal. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin announced that a bill is being brought to the French cabinet that will give the homeless people the “legal right” to housing. The French government is planning on implementing this new law by 2012.
    “Frances Homeless Step Up their Struggle” is a news article published in Peoples World that talks about the some problems France is facing as in the previous article. The article mostly talks about the legislation that is planning on being passed in order to give the legal right to the French homeless people to housing. This article also talks about how the banks of France have many houses in their possession but have them listed as incredibly high prices, which is seems obvious that people cant afford to buy these homes. This only cause more people to become homeless because they can’t keep up with payments.

  31. My Bibliography

    Frances Homeless Step up Their Struggle » Peoplesworld." Home » Peoplesworld. 26 Jan. 2006. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    "France Bows to Growing Protests Over Homelessness | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 06.01.2007." Home | Deutsche Welle. Trans. By 2012. 1 June 2007. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

  32. Human trafficking is the completely illegal trade of human beings for the purpose of enslavement either for commercial sexual exploitation or forced worked labor reasons. In Mongolia many women and children are kidnapped and forced into these areas of laborer exploitation. For example, right now a most recent problem is the fact that Chinese men are forcing Mongolian women into marriage in Mongolia and forcing them to live in China. While living in China, according to the article “Informal Marriages hide human trafficking” these men bring these women back to china, where they are starved and physically abused by their husbands. Various other countries such as Macau, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Israel, Turkey, Switzerland and Hungary experience or participate in the exploitation of Mongolian human trafficking. The major root of this problem is that women and teens in these countries aren’t aware of the danger and possible things that can happen to them. Mainly women, children or teens are somehow tricked into human trafficking.
    Organizations such as The Gender Equity Center and the Mongolian Government are working on this problem by paying attention closely to the missing people reports and by educating the population that is highly targeted about it. The structure of the power in this issue pertaining to the government is law because their women and they lack laws against those who are a part of the police force helping to sneak woman across the border.

    Daelina Lockhart
    BLock A

  33. DAelina Lockhart Bib. is

    1. " | Mongolia." A Web Resource for Combating Human Trafficking in the East Asia Pacific Region. 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2010.

    2. "Study: Mongolia Must Battle Increase in Human Trafficking." The UB Post. The UB Post-Mongolia's Independent English Newspaper, 2005. Web. 2010. .

    3. Bulgamaa, By B. "16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence." 16 дней активизма против гендерного насилия. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

  34. Although most colleges in Japan are open to women, a degree for them has little meaning fewer than 30 of Japanese companies will even consider hiring a female college graduate. in the other 70 of the companies, the jobs open to women are typically assembly line workers, secretaries, and clerks Good penmanship, physical attractiveness and manners are valued much more highly than knowledge or intelligence. "Office ladies," or OLs as they are called in Japan, who have a good penmanship are much in demand by senior managers who, it is desirable for an OL to have a polite, attractive, and charming disposition. The government and social structure are to blame for this discrimination against women. Japan has a very male dominated culture. Women are seen as care givers while men and the providers and authority figures. The government should be enforcing laws to prevent gender discrimination. Japan is trying to introduce legislation to provide equality of employment for men and women. The government pledged to ratify an agreement in 1980, and ever since, an advisory council to the Labor Ministry has been trying, unsuccessfully, to get consensus for a bill to present to Parliament. Labor representatives to the council all women urged a ban on different hiring and employment practices for men and women. However, both management and public representatives were opposed. They said that companies should only be "obliged to make efforts to treat both sexes equally." No punishment for non-compliance was suggested. Nor were any quotas or affirmative action type of goals proposed. There are few women leaders in Japan which makes it harder to promote equality. More organizations need to do their part to help the issue. Japan, Women's Constitutional Rights in Peril
    By Catherine Makino
    WeNews correspondent
    Sunday, May 1, 2005 basic statistics about Japanese women:
    Women in Japan Shane Hall, eHow ContributorThe History of Women's Rights in Japan
    James Guardino


    To understand the current situation of North Korea, we must look back at the historical context to understand how North Korea is in the position it’s in today. After World War II, Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea at the 38th parallel. The North having a Communist government whiles the South having a Democratic government. North Korean government is basically a dictatorship that was previously owned by Kim Il Sung, currently owned by Kim Jong- Il, and will be owned by Kim Jong Eun. Even though most people view North Korea as a Communist country, it is a dictatorship as well as a theocracy. This is one of the reasons why North Korea has human rights issues. The North Koreans are led to believe that Kim Jong Il is a leader with supreme supernatural powers and had a miraculous birth on a Korean mountain. Because the North Korean people are forced to believe that their leader is like God, they are left with the only option of listening and obeying their leader. If the leader of North Korea was a good man, and was willing to share, the people would be so much happier, but in a Communist government, all property belongs to the government. Therefore, since the leader is selfish, the people have no option but to give up everything they have. Since the people have nothing left for them, it causes physical, emotional and mental affects which in other words is a Human Rights violation. One of the biggest problems in North Korea is poverty. Poverty is caused because the government owns everything and therefore when a selfish leader comes into power he/she keeps everything to him/herself and leaves nothing for the people. Also, since North Korea is a secluded country, it has no imports or exports which means that the country has to live on what it produces. When the country doesn’t have a mass production, it has to use its little amount of resources to support the country. The citizens of North Korea are getting affected the most because their leader is keeping everything for him rather than giving it to the people. Therefore, citizens are dying from starvation, unclean water, and physical torture. The truth is, that there is no one else to blame except Kim Jong Il for the death of innocent North Koreans. There is an unequal balance of power between government officials and the people so therefore there is a huge difference between powers. Kim Jong Il is not doing anything to help the people, but rather he is making them suffer more everyday. The North Korean people are looking for a new leader that will lift the suffering or even change the kind of government in North Korea. Until that day comes, the North Korean people will continue to suffer and die. The structure of power is aiding to the pain and suffering the North Korean people are going through. Because there is a huge difference in power, people are either poor or rich. In other words, there is no middle class. Since there is a huge difference in social classes most people lean toward the poor which in other word is poverty. Until North Korea obtains a new leader or a new form of government, people will continue to suffer.

    E Block

  36. India is the second most populated country in the world. But like any other country, India also deals with many human rights issues or violations. The number one human rights issue India deals with today is Human Trafficking. Because of Human Trafficking in India, this also leads to numerous other conflicts. For example, because certain kids are children of sex workers and live in red light districts, they are neglected and ignored by a family structure, the government and most aid agencies. I believe the roots of this problem/conflict can be blamed on the families in the red light district, as well as the government. This conflict can be blamed on the families because they believe this is the only way they can make money in order to survive. In addition, they refuse to establish a better life for their children they believe that their children will also work on the line with them. The government can also be the roots of the problem/conflict because they are providing no assistance for these families. They do not provide the families with any money or opportunity, which will allow the families to create a better life for themselves. It is clear to see that the children in the red light district/brothels are the ones most affected by this. Because of their parents’ jobs, they are denied and lacking an education. In the long run this will hurt the chances of the children ability to obtain a good paying job. In addition, children at a young age are being exposed to numerous amount of STDs, drugs and violence. Recently, India has been put in the “Tier 2 watch list” country. Some felt that it was unfair, India was being put on the US watch list and not Bangladesh or Nepal. United Nations Development Programee spokeswoman, Archana Tamang told the BCC, “Nepal, Bangladesh and India need to work together to stop such trafficking.” The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is trying to articulate a rural economic development program that includes establishing basic infrastructure to benefit the lives of the poor and boost the economy. Pakistan and Nepal show that the vast majority of laborers are from communities designated as “untouchable”, where certain occupations are assigned to them. The U.S. is giving fifteen countries, including their allies Turkey and Greece, four months to improve their efforts to crack down on human trafficking or they could face sanctions.

    Biblography –
    1. "Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery in India." Welcome to GVNET.COM -- The Web Professionals. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    2. "Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery in India." Welcome to GVNET.COM -- The Web Professionals. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .
    3. Clairew, By. "Modern Day Slavery - Human Trafficking in India | Teen Politics Essay." Teen Ink | A Teen Literary Magazine and Website. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .


  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. The genocide in Rwanda is one of the worst genocides in history. The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana. He was a Hutu whose plane was shot down on April 6, 1994. A French judge blamed Paul Kagame the current president of Rwanda. At that time he was a leader of a Tutsi rebel group. He denied this and blamed it on a Hutu extremist. Ethnic tension is also another reason why the genocide started. There has always been many disagreements between the Tutsis and the Hutus. Both groups live around the same area and carry out the same traditions. Between the months of April and June of 1994 an estimated 800,000 Rwandians were killed in 100 days. In 1993 a peace accord was signed but it did little to stop the problem. Some Hutu civilians were forced to murder their Tutsi neighbors by military personnel. In doing so they were offered food and land. Although the killing in Rwanda was over, the presence of Hutu militias in DR Congo has led to years of conflict there. Many deaths still occur. Genocide is also happening in Sudan. Up to one million people face genocide in Sudan.Many blame Mr.Bashir for the genocide. For more than a year the Khartoum government has stopped and blocked access of international relief to Darfur. Humanitarian refugee camps in Chad and Sudan are overcrowded, disease infested, and prone to attacks. Over the past five years, over 400,000 Darfurian civilians have been killed. In 2003 two groups called the Sudan Liberation Army and Justice and Equality Movement attacked government troops. The Darfur Peace Agreement was signed in 2006 by few arm factions. In October 2008 militia leader Ali Kushayb was arrested for war crimes. Amnesty International and many other human rights organization continue to help Sudan. Without the UNAMID rapes, killings etc will continue to happen. International action is very essential.

    Justin Castro D block

  39. Human trafficking and modern day slavery has risen in the republic of Lithuanian. This was especially happening through its tough times of transition from being controlled by the soviet. After gaining its independence Lithuania's economy began to grow at about an 8% per year prior to 2008.this was driven by domestic consumer demand and exports. Though still recovering from soviet control unemployment rates had rose to about 4.8% and began rising from there. In all of this mix the U.S. State Dept. Trafficking in Persons Report stated that Lithuania became a transit, source, and destination for women and children of all ages to be trafficked for the commercial purpose of sexual exploitation and slavery. the countries in on the underground trade was the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, France.
    On BBC news one women account with this prostitution dilemma came out. she stated that one of her friends had explained a job opportunity in holland being a prestige and making a lot of money. after doing this and trusting her friend she states that her so called friend set her up and sold her to some Lithuanian gang where she endured many painful things like sexual abuse, beatings, and a constant stream of clients that used her. now we may all see this account as if she had brought all of this upon herself, well in a way you are right but, this women was unemployed and had no money. so when this money making opportunity came about she jumped into it not knowing the full truth of what lay in store for her.
    There are many accounts where the person was promised a better life or the making of some sort of money. What they didn’t know was that in during this so called job they were going to be sold and auctioned of to people. Even today it is still acknowledge that human trafficking is going on in spite of the new policies making any form of human trade or sale illegal and the profiting from another persons prostitution. Lithuania's government is taking more precautions to help fight against their problem with human trafficking.

    1. McGivering, By Jill. "BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Trafficked to the West." BBC News - Home. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .
    2. "Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Lithuania." Welcome to GVNET.COM -- The Web Professionals. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .
    3. Goodchild, By Sophie. "Sex Traffic: Danielle Was 15 When She Was Sold into Slavery in the UK - Crime, UK - The Independent." The Independent | News | UK and Worldwide News | Newspaper. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .
    4. "Child Prostitution - Lithuania." Welcome to GVNET.COM -- The Web Professionals. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    By martin sanchez
    c block

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Many things are happening in different countries around the world. Suprisingly there is not much happening in Norway, the poverty rate is low, not much of a health crisis, nothing about child rights, etc. But, right now there are strikes, labor issues, and unions. 45,000 people are on strike, and that is a lot! In some communities, schools have shut down. Nursing homes are hit the hardest, with only one nurse. Libraries, garbage collection, administrative operations and various other government services are also affected by this strike.

  43. continued from AA...

    Also, right now there are two Iranian refugees on a hunger strike in Norway.Their request for asylum has been rejected and they are being prepared to be sent back to Iran. Their lips are sewn together. According to, they both rather Die in Norway than go back to Iran. Norway has been also sending rejected asylums to greece. These Iranian Aslyms want to go to greece also. They are getting abused, and the norwegian officials like to mock them. So far, this hunger strike has been so bad, these refugees had to be sent to hospitals, but they keep continuing with this hunger strike. They want to continue the strike until the human rights of Iranians are not violated. The Norewegian government is being held responsible, because they keep them in camps, which is much like prison.

    With the strikes, the Norewegian people are being affected, because without obs there is no money. Also with the hunger strike, the Iranians are being affected because their mouths are sewed shut, and that helps them not to eat. Also one guy had his eyes shut in Greece! The only way this will get solved is when people hear if their asylums get accepted or not. Or for the working strikes, they give the people what they want and they get their jobs back.

    "45,000 Now on Strike Nationwide." Views and News from Norway. 2 June 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    "Two Iranian Refugees on Hunger Strike in Norway." Http:// 9 Sept. 2010. Web. 7 Dec. 2010. .

    Shokri, Abbas. "The Double Abuse of Iranians: Asylum-Seeking Leads to Hunger Strikes in Norway | Persian2English." Persian2English | Breaking the Language Barrier on Human Rights. 7 Oct. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Amanda Aasen C Block

  44. Switzerland is a very neutral country and so finding articles (especially ones that were recent) were very difficult but I hope that this most recent one can relate to the topic at hand.
    Because Switzerland is a very neutral country, one would think that they would be naturally helpful and open to other nations, but this isn't the case when involving Libya. The nation put forth an embargo after the son of a Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi was arrested in a Genevan hotel after beating two servants that were of Swiss decent. Although Switzerland did take action against the man which was rightful, they did created somewhat of an embargo on the entire nation of Libya and refused to let its citizens travel to and from there. This in turned angered the Libyan leader as he decided to no longer grant visas to its people looking to travel in that area of Europe, cut off oil supplies, and withdrew over US5 billion from Swiss banks. The entire situation escalated into a frenzy as now both countries and their people frown upon each other. Libya then held captive a young Swiss business man who happened to be In Libya at the time of the conflict but has released him after Prime Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey issued a public apology after Swiss Government released a photo of Hannibal Gadafy being arrested at the time and stated that it was a breach of privacy.

    -Paulina Plata
    E Block

    "Libyan UN Head on Europe Travel Ban List | WORLD News." Breaking & Daily News, Sport & Weather | TV ONE, TV2 | TVNZ. 11 Mar. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    "BBC News - Libya's Gaddafi Urges 'holy War' against Switzerland." BBC News - Home. 26 Feb. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. .

    "Switzerland and Libya Agree Deal to End Diplomatic Row - The Irish Times - Mon, Jun 14, 2010." The Irish Times – Irish News, Business News, Sports News & Ireland Weather Online. 14 June 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2010.

  45. The country I chose for this project is Mexico for reasons I cannot explain. Regardless of what that reason may have been, the issue I chose to cover in this post is immigration. It is, and has been a serious issue for both America and Mexico for the past several decades. It is harmful to both nations and not much that is being done is really providing decrease in this issue.
    For quite some time, illegal Mexican immigrants have been crossing the border into America in search of a better life. As innocent as this may sound, these illegal aliens are actually harmful to both nations. They don't pay taxes when they arrive here because they are undocumented, which costs our government money. They also take jobs away from taxpaying legal Americans in a tough job market. About 2 million Mexicans leave mexico illegally per year and only a small fraction are actually prevented by border patrol.
    As far as responsibility for the issue, there is no one side to blame. People blame Mexico for not doing much to prevent their citizens from legally migrating. The blame is also placed on America's government as well, for being lazy and doing a bang-up job keeping our borders secure.

    On a national level, Barack Obama has been meeting with his cabinet "behind the scenes" to try to devise a way to grant citizenship t the illegal Mexicans on a mass scale. This method, although extreme, would be just like adding over 2 million taxpaying citizens to our country. Officials on the state level in Arizona have recently taken this matter into their own hands. Declaring it 100% lawful for police to ask any suspected alien immigrant for their registration papers at any given time.

  46. the japanese goverment has delt with alot of human rights issues and questions that are. still are yet to be answered and really need to be. one of the groups of people that are mistreated and not taken care of propley and the right way. the jails and prison system meets ininternational standards but overall it is not good the prisons are over crowded and unheated in the cold winter and no a/c for summer. and the medcine is overwelmed by prisners and they should be something done for this. also many prisners have died in many suspicious circumstances in the custody of japanese police many people have died in their prisons. the medical care is very bad and doesnt really help any one at all. and some are in denial of a fair case and trial and are unjust. this is all wrong needs to be stopped.

  47. Even though India has had a tremendous economic growth compared to a couple of years ago, there are about 250 million who are standing below the poverty line. Seventy-five percent of those people are in the rural areas of India. Poverty is measured by the Planning Commission of India; poverty line is drawn with an intake of 2400 calories in rural areas and 2100 calories in urban areas. If you can not meet that requirement you are below poverty line.
    There are five major reasons why there is such a high poverty rate in India,
    1. High level of dependence on primitive methods of agriculture
    2. High population growth rate, major portion of this additional population is due to the large scale migration of rural families from villages to cities (more mouths that are unfed)
    3. about thirty-five percent of adult population are illiterate (no/terrible education)
    4. problem of high foreign investment
    5. Regional inequalities
    India’s government has made one hundred plus antipoverty programs since independence to alleviate poverty. These include various employment guarantee programs such as National Rural Employment Program, Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program etc. Recently, Government has initiated National Rural Employment Guarantee Program (NREGP). As per NREGP, the government will provide 100 days of employment per year to whosoever is willing to work. NREGP is considered as a landmark program in poverty alleviation measures.
    The major problems with these programs are there execution of the plan on what to do with it and how to make sure it reaches out to the people. Rajiv Gandhi once said that “out of 100 paisa allocated for poor only 14 paisa reaches them. But in spite of their weaknesses, poverty alleviated program can be credited for their success in alleviating poverty to an extent. Greater public-private partnership and committed and efficient bureaucratic machinery is required to tackle poverty”.
    Now that the education system in India is so scarce, it is so hard for all of these extra children coming out (population growth), that even more people will be illiterate then there are now. The children are the most affected in this nation, being brought up illiterate and having scarce amounts of food with an unpredictable job market that there is barely any hope for them at all.
    You may say this is the government of India’s problem, but with such a poor country what else is there to do to add to their agricultural and oversea job market. It is a sad and messed up economy and life that these people must live in.

    Works Cited
    "Poverty in India - Cause of Poverty in India - India Poverty Causes & Poverty Scenario in India." India Guide - Culture, Facts, Lifestyle, Cars, Bikes, Art & Entertainment. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .
    "Poverty in India - Cause of Poverty in India, Ways to Reduce Poverty in India." Business and Trade Events Directory - International Trade Shows, Conferences. Feb.-Mar. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .
    "Poverty in India | Economy Watch." World, US, China, India Economy, Investment, Finance, Credit Cards | Economy Watch. Mar.-Apr. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    by Teddy Thompson –A Block

  48. There is a human right that states “everyone has the right to live.” There is also another human right that states “everyone has the right to be happy.” Therefore everyone has the right to live happily. Nevertheless, according to these human rights, no one should have to have the need to end their life early because of unhappiness. Suicide is a major issue nowadays through all ages and countries.
    According to the World Health Organization, statistics show that Italy had over 3700 suicide deaths in the year 2006. Nearly 3000 of those suicides were by men. This can be as a result of pressure. In Italian tradition, men are depended on by their families. Men in Italy hold massive responsibilities, unlike America where the women have become much more independent. Women in Italy are responsible for taking care of their children, cooking, cleaning, and basic house work. Where as men are pressured to work and bring in the family’s income.
    The World Health’s Organization’s research shows the highest rate of suicide occurs from men over the age of 75. An article from All Headline News’ website mentions the death of Italy’s post-war cinema legend Mario Monicelli. The 95 year old infamous comedy director died after jumping out of a hospital window about a week ago. A man as successful as Monicelli would never be suspected to kill themselves. However, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was admitted into Rome’s San Giovanni’s hospital just a few days ago where he had begun treatment. The thought of cancer must have drove him to believing there was no reason left to live so he killed himself.
    An example such as Mario Monicelli supports the theory of an article from 1998 in the British Journal of Cancer. Even though the article is from over 10 years ago, it mentions ideas of suicide that are still in evidence today. The article states that a large percentage of Italy’s suicidal deaths are a result from patients learning of their diagnosis with cancer.
    Suicide is a major issue all around the world and affects the human right of everyone having the right to live and be happy. In Italy the men take on a massive amount of responsibility which eventually leads them to go insane and commit suicide, when really they can just try to lighten their load or have their wives get a job. Italian patients who learn they are diagnosed with cancer feel the need to end their life before the disease does when really, they can come to America where the treatment and technology is more advanced. No one is being held responsible accept for the suicidal victims themselves. Cancer organizations are trying to keep patients alive with positive thoughts and that they CAN make it. Notwithstanding there should never be a problem in any person’s life that should make them feel suicide is the answer. Everyone has the right to live, everyone has the right to be happy.

  49. Brazil, one of the largest countries in South America, is considered to be one of the many countries, worldwide, victimized by child prostitution. Child prostitution refers to a minor performing sexual acts for financial benefit. In no way, shape, or form is the idea of exploiting children for sexual favors deemed socially acceptable. However it has been ongoing for many years and in many countries.
    According to "The Reality of Child Prostitution in Brazil" by Bianka Coasta, "Five of Brazil's largest cities have high rates of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents." The causes of this new trend are numerous; however Coasta links poverty to be among them. There are approximately 500,000 children engaging in sexual acts for money - mostly against their will. Chris Rogers from BBC news blames the boom in child prostitution on the increase in sex tourism in Brazil. During his trip to Brazil he recounts, "Her small bikini exposes her tiny frame. She looks no older than 13 - one of dozens of girls parading the street looking for clients in the blazing mid-afternoon sun. Most come from the surrounding favelas - or slums." The fact that Rogers was able to identify that the young girls probably came from the slums, confirms Coasta's idea that poverty is the leading cause in child prostitution in Brazil. According to "Remember the child victims of sex tourism", reports state that Brazil is overtaking Thailand as the most popular destination for child sex tourism. Although the government of Brazil is not known to be as proactive in stopping the spread of child prostitution as other countries are, the law enforcement organizations of Brazil are showing some progress in ending child prostitution in the country. Based on the article written in September of 2010 by Sarah Carvalho, over 400 people allegedly involved in a child prostitution ring in Sao Paulo (one of the biggest countries in Brazil) were arrested at a popular nightclub. The fact that the law enforcement has taken this action in order to prevent some forms of child prostitution from occurring proves that there are efforts being made by Brazilians.

    * Coasta, Bianka. "The Reality of Child Prostitution in Brazil". Compassion International. Jan 13, 2010. Web. December 2010.
    * Rogers, Chris. "Brazil's sex tourism boom". BBC. July 30, 2010. Web. December 2010
    * Carvalho, Sarah. "Remember the child victims of sex tourism". Guardian News and Media Limited. September 27 2010. Web. December 2010.

  50. Venezuela over the years have had many problems with human trafficking of women and young girls. The purpose if this is to exploite commercial sex. victims are usually recruited by false job offers. the people who are being targeted are mainly women and children. the children work on corners and have to beg for money.the women and young girls are used for commercial sex, they are transported to mexico.the people who are being held responsible to stop this is the bur of democracy, human rights labor and the U.S. department bureau of international affairs.they have organized groups who go out and search for missing people and they have groups that go undercover to see what they can learn about the people who are trafficking those missing people.the nation tries to keep the airport with alot of security and have them watch over certain things that might seem supicious.the children in venezuela are usually sold by there parents and forced into prostitution , and some of the kids are kidnapped. the women would be forced into prostitution and drugged.
    Ashley Miller
    D- block

    bib :

  51. Genocide-systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
    Italy is located in south central Europe. After reading several different articles on problems in Italy I decided to write about Genocide in Italy. There was a law passed in Italy about genocide. It states that “the crime of genocide in domestic law and the domestic prosecution of persons committing genocide are subjects of international significance.” The law even gives an example-In April 1999 a Swiss court threw out the charge of genocide in the trial of Rwandan mayor, Fulgence Niyonteze, because the crime of genocide was not at that time a part of Swiss law.
    In May of 2009 a Rwandan Catholic priest is to believe that he was involved in the 1994 genocide in the parish. This Rwandan Catholic priest was working with more than 80 students. During this massacre about 800,000 people were killed in the genocide. The people that were killed were the Tutsi minority.
    In October 2009the Rwandan Catholic priest was arrested in Italy. People believed that the priest had a connection with the killing of approximately 80 Gikongoro students. The police forces said that “The arrest of Uwayezu demonstrates the power and effectiveness of international cooperation between police worldwide in obtaining information in relation to the identification, location and apprehension of fugitives around the world.” This was one result to the arrest of the priest.
    I believe that genocide needs to stop. I believe that there should be more force put on this issue to prevent more killings of innocent people.
    The sources I used is
    "Domestic Laws Against Genocide." Prevent Genocide International. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Dotterer, Steve. "JURIST - Paper Chase: INTERPOL Arrests Rwanda Genocide Suspect in Italy." JURIST - Legal News and Research. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    "Priest Suspected of Genocide 'in Italy'" Breaking News: Latest Business, Local, National & World News. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    "Italy." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Nicole Scozzari<33 C Blockk

  52. Brazil, one of the largest countries in South America, is considered to be one of the many countries, worldwide, victimized by child prostitution. Child prostitution refers to a minor performing sexual acts for financial benefit. In no way, shape, or form is the idea of exploiting children for sexual favors deemed socially acceptable. However it has been ongoing for many years and in many countries.
    According to "The Reality of Child Prostitution in Brazil" by Bianka Coasta, "Five of Brazil's largest cities have high rates of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents." The causes of this new trend are numerous; however Coasta links poverty to be among them. There are approximately 500,000 children engaging in sexual acts for money - mostly against their will. Chris Rogers from BBC news blames the boom in child prostitution on the increase in sex tourism in Brazil. During his trip to Brazil he recounts, "Her small bikini exposes her tiny frame. She looks no older than 13 - one of dozens of girls parading the street looking for clients in the blazing mid-afternoon sun. Most come from the surrounding favelas - or slums." The fact that Rogers was able to identify that the young girls probably came from the slums, confirms Coasta's idea that poverty is the leading cause in child prostitution in Brazil. According to "Remember the child victims of sex tourism", reports state that Brazil is overtaking Thailand as the most popular destination for child sex tourism. Although the government of Brazil is not known to be as proactive in stopping the spread of child prostitution as other countries are, the law enforcement organizations of Brazil are showing some progress in ending child prostitution in the country. Based on the article written in September of 2010 by Sarah Carvalho, over 400 people allegedly involved in a child prostitution ring in Sao Paulo (one of the biggest countries in Brazil) were arrested at a popular nightclub. The fact that the law enforcement has taken this action in order to prevent some forms of child prostitution from occurring proves that there are efforts being made by Brazilians.

    * Coasta, Bianka. "The Reality of Child Prostitution in Brazil". Compassion International. Jan 13, 2010. Web. December 2010.
    * Rogers, Chris. "Brazil's sex tourism boom". BBC. July 30, 2010. Web. December 2010
    * Carvalho, Sarah. "Remember the child victims of sex tourism". Guardian News and Media Limited. September 27 2010. Web. December 2010.

    Samantha Furman ; A Block

  53. The use of children as soldiers is an issue that nations, armies and families worldwide are forced to face. A common misconception is that Africa is one of the only, if not the only, continent that has relied on the young generation for protection, this is completely wrong. Countries all around the world have depended on minors to knuckle up and fight during times of war. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a protocol that many countries have signed or ratified, but like many restrictions, there are ways to get around the limitations. Although it states that no child under eighteen can take direct part in hostilities, countries, like Australia, took that as, unless necessary, children under the age of eighteen can begin training but not be deployed into any area of extreme hostility. Another version of the convention is that children under the age of eighteen can only join if they volunteer, yet, at such a young age, children are vulnerable and often face many situations where they feel like joining the army is the only way out. This problem seems to have come from desperation, whether it is the government, or a smaller militia, the group needs people to fight, and the more people die fighting the less number of adults they have to help defend the country. The only solution seems to be to move onto children who can easily be manipulated, intimidated, trained and drugged. Also, small countries who face a lot of poverty are desperate for a solution and fighting tends to break out, whether it is with each other, or bigger countries, numbers are always important and with the few people they have, they need the children to make an army. The responsibility depends on the situation. In some countries, the government themselves encourage the use of child soldiers because victory is their only priority but in other countries, corrupt leaders have been able to become so powerful that they can easily raid towns and take the children. In which case, the children are hurt the most. The UN has taken steps to try and slow down, if not stop, the use of children in the military. Organizations are also working vigorously to find an end to this horrendous problem. As leaders come together under the convention, they are taking steps towards eliminating the ability to allow children to fight. In the end, the countries have to completely cleanse their hands to then become an example to the other countries. Once countries recruit armies that do not strip children from their childhood, voluntarily or mandatorily, then other countries will do the same until it is completely clear that child soldiers are victims that need to be helped and saved.

    "Australia and Child Soldiers." The Peace Organisation Of Australia. Peace Organisation Of Australia, 2008. Web. .

    "Australia." Coalition To Stop The Use Of Child Soldiers. 2007. Web. .

    Freeland, Steven. "Child Soldiers." Sydney Morning Herald - Business & World News Australia | Fairfax Media, 15 Feb. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Caileen Gonzalez C Block

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Any types of pollution, whether it is air or water, can damage someone’s health. It could either cause short-term health effects like pneumonia, or long term health effects like lung cancer or heart disease. Over the years, pollution in Italy has been a real issue. The past summer they went nearly sixty days with no rain at all, filling the air with poisonous gasses day by day.
    Italy is capable of having these renewable energy resources, which could be taken and used for energy. The people are most directly affected, also businesses. Since the air was so bad to breathe in, the people of Italy had to stay off the streets for nine days in a row. Nine days is a long time for people, they need to have food and drinks and nutrition to stay alive. The businesses are also struggling because if these people are staying inside, they are not making any business, making no profit.
    The government is being held responsible because they have been accused of deficient commitment to their ten-year plan to clean up the pollution. Environmentalists say that they keep putting it off because the air is not bad, but once it gets to point where the people shouldn’t go out of their houses, and then the government want to do something about it.
    People were forced to take public transportation so there would be less gas polluting the air. Even the middle and high school students waited an extra two more hours to go to school. They were going to close the road for everyone on one Friday, but luckily it rained, which lessened the gas in the air.
    The structure of power in the nation does not contribute to the problem because its not entirely the governments issue. The people of Italy have to give up a few things in order to help the air. The government should stop waiting and do something about this horrible gas in the air, its not only hurting the people, but the businesses and their own government as well.

    "Smog Days: Italy’s Pollution Problem." Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    "Environment and Pollution in Italy." OilGasArticles - Oil and Gas Industry Articles, News and Blogs. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Suro, By Roberto. "Pollution Suddenly a Big Issue in Italy -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 18 Nov. 1988. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Danielle Ianazzi
    E block

  56. Poverty is one of the main issues, attracting the attention of sociologists and economists. It indicates a condition in which a person fails to maintain a living standard adequate for a comfortable lifestyle. According to a 2005 World Bank estimate, 41% of India falls below the international poverty line of US. According to the criterion used by the Planning Commission of India 27.5% of the population was living below the poverty line in 2004–2005, down from 51.3% in 1977–1978, and 36% in 1993-1994. India has the world's largest number of poor people living in a single country. Out of its total population of more than 1 billion, 350 to 400 million people are living below the poverty line. Nearly 75% of the poor people are in rural areas, most of them are daily wagers, landless laborers and self employed house holders. There are a number of reasons for poverty in India. Poverty in India can be classified into two categories namely rural poverty and urban poverty. Some reasons for poverty is literacy, large families or high population growth. The government of India has been trying its best to remove poverty. Some of the measures which the government has taken to remove rural poverty are small farmers development Programme or Causes for Urban Poverty. The fact thatty are taking action rally helps and gives hope to the homeless.

    Amanda Casale
    D Block

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Germany is a country where human trafficking is a very big issue and many people are affected and traumatized by it. Hundreds of thousands of people are affected by human trafficking each and every day. Many of the people who are being trafficked depend on the traffickers for survival. They are treated so horribly and live in conditions that slaves live in. Not too long ago Germany made an Institute for Human Rights . This institution raises awareness about slavery and where it comes from and how the victims are treated. If people are more aware about what was going on there would be more of an effort to stop it. Many people think of human trafficking as being raped or kidnapped but in reality it is so much more than that. People can not escape this, there is no way out, no light at the end of this dark tragic tunnel.Approximately one-quarter of sex trafficking victims were German nationals trafficked within the country. 12% of the victims were under the age of 18 years old. Most of the victims were exploited in bars and brothels. Not only are these victims raped and sold for the use of sex and other things in the sex industry, but they are kept and treated like slaves forced to do immeasurable labor which is very unsafe and unhealthy for these victims. In Germany prostitution is legal, therefore this makes trafficking less needed but also easier for people to get away with the crime. Being that prostitution is legal in Germany and 30 percent of women are aware beforehand what they are getting into it becomes a way of life for these people. Once they go into this sex industry they know that they will never come out of it and will be held as slaves forever. It is very hard for people to be accused and charged of holding people hostage and keeping them as slaves because these people are so brainwashed that they know exactly what they are getting in to. Human trafficking is no longer a crime that deals with sex crimes but now it is known as a crime against physical integrity and against freedom.
    Germany and many other countries are trying to reduce or completely demolish human trafficking and slavery. I think that Germany is doing all they can to try and demolish human trafficking, however there is no real way to end it because of the fact that prostitution is legal in that country.,,2031804,00.html

    -Erin Dennis D Block

  60. 1)
    pakistan has an annual survey held by the "human commission of Pakistan". this survey is baisicaly self explanitory most issues include gender-based violence dicrimination, religious freedom, millitary impunity and the war on terror. one that stuck out to me was gender based dicrimination. lately there has been an increase in the practice of honer killings, rape, and domestic violence.

    britain has prepared themselves in fear that there may be a coup in pakistan. since pakistan is so politicaly unstabel. there might be a chance that there may be a millitary takeover of the government. this can be an example of marshall law. marshall law is just a fancy term for millitary term for millitary run government. pakistan was run under marshall law during the presidential run of president Ayoub Khan before he attempted to turn Pakistan into a democracy. currently, british and pakitani officials are not relaseing any information for the public.

    Henna Tariq

  61. Recently in Japan there has been a health crisis containing the bird flu. Hajimu Asada was the head of a poultry company and failed to notify the health authorities when he noticed that the avian influenza was spreading all through-out Japan because of the chickens. So, to save himself from the guilt, he committed suicide, along with his wife by hanging themselves near one of his company’s farms. He admitted that he kept selling the poultry from his company, even after many of them died from the disease. Mr. Asada did not try to investigate why the chickens were dying, so he kept selling them to make money. Slaughters killed over 270,000 chickens that were infected with the influenza to help stop the spread of the virus. So, there are no more infected poultry being distributed to people anymore, preventing deaths in Asia. People who have bought poultry from Mr. Asada’s company were the people who were most infected with the bird flu and also people who had access to chicken waste are also at high risk of catching the avian influenza. Over 32 people have been infected with the bird flu and 22 out of the 32 people infected actually died from it. The Japanese government is preventing the bird flu from spreading anymore by slaughtering the infected chickens that have the influenza and by disinfecting all the farms and their neighbors. There have been a few similar cases in Japan about the bird flu spreading, so the Japanese government is doing their best to help prevent the bird flu from spreading and also trying to provide the best medicine to heal the innocent people who were infected by the bird flu.

    New York’s Perspective:

    Zaun, By Todd. "Head of Farm in Bird Flu Outbreak Is Found Dead -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 09 Mar. 2004. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Japan’s Perspective:

    "Bird-flu Steps Complete: Shimane | The Japan Times Online." 06 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Australia’s Perspective:

    News Core. "Bird Flu Found in Japan, Hong Kong." Daily Telegraph. Web. .

    Michelle Naidoo, D Block


  63. Italy, now has to investigate urgently whether or not 68 people rescued at sea then forced to return all the way to Egypt within 48 hours was applying too international protection. This article "Italy urged to sop mass expulsions" stated that there 68 people were aboard a boat sailing the see with 131 passengers. This was all happening by the Italian authorities near the coast of Sicily.
    Many Italians were being transferred around like packaged food to another city in Sicily called Catania, Sicily.Many children in a sports facility for more then 24 hours were detained. All of the Italian authorities maintained the detention that was necessarily given too them to undertake the identity procedures and many arrangements.
    Many Italians later one were shifted to Cairo, Egypt by a charter flight. Illegal immigrants were spotted on this flight from Egypt.
    Many believe that this mass explusion appears too have taken place with no regard toothe right of the people to search in breach of the Italians international refugee and human rights law and standards.
    Organizations such as the UN has the International Organization for Migration too save children and the Italian red cross were denied access to many of those who are ashore.
    Nineteen members of the group were arrested in cnnection with the smuggling of these people. Although many were identified as minors and handed over to social services there was only 44.
    Th government of Italy is trying too now hold on to there word and keep all immigrants out. This is all being held too stop the illegal immigration.

    Alexandra Ferrigno, E-Block

  64. Peter Grancio

    Australia to most is seen as a fun and peaceful continent where everyone rides a kangaroo to work and knows how to play the didgeridoo. However, this is not true, and to over 100,000 Australians, this is a cold and bitter continent. Homelessness is a worldwide issue, and Australia is no exception. The Commonwealth as well as the state government realized this threat and in the early 1990’s SAAP put in place organizations to help fight homelessness. Homelessness Australia has been working for 12 years to better aware people of this epidemic and to figure out reasonable solutions to decrease the number of people out of a home. Out of this 100 thousand, a little over 18 thousand people sleep on the streets every night. But a homeless person’s human rights aren’t only denied because of the sheer fact they have no roof over their head. Homelessness is also tied with poverty, lack of education, and denial of safety.

    In 2009 the Government’s Inquiry Report was released, in which the Australian government pledged to put forth new legislation to provide people who are homeless with adequate support and quality services. There are about 1,300 homeless shelters across Australia and every year these shelters provide almost 3 million nights of shelter. However, as the years have gone on, financial issues have risen, and these shelters have not received sufficient funds to maintain their workforce. Because of this, trained workers have been laid off and 80% of families have been turned away from support. BBC News also commented on the horrors of homeless indigenous people in Australia. Their conditions are exceptionally poor considering they lived outdoors in the first place! The truth is, homelessness is a global issue, and everyone needs to help themselves solve their own problems. 1 in 200 people in Australia are homeless, and that means everyone from ages 1-100. This is an issue that needs to be resolved swiftly, rationally, and effectively.


    Mercer, By Phil. "BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Hard Life for Australia's Homeless." BBC News - Home.

    "Housing, Homelessness and Human Rights." Australian Human Rights Commission Homepage.

    "Homelessness in Australia" Homeless Australia Website

  65. Aisha Musa

    The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has a long standing history of human rights abuse. The country's government system was formed in 1995 making it rather new and harder to conform to a new way of thinking. Human rights are still heavily abused, especially towards people of different religions and women. There are also a lot of opposition forces in Ethiopia as they are still recovering from a Civil was that ended twenty years ago.

    In one recent events, a Christian man was sentenced to three years in prison- which are under horrible conditions- for defacing the Koran. The fact that there was no evidence to support this claim marks it as a violation o human rights. Ethiopia is largely Christian in religion, with Islam coming in as a close second. Each region in Ethiopia is usually populated by a specific religion and is someone is against their faith most local authorities will discriminate against them. To write "Jesus is Lord" on a Koran is a violation in itself but when there is no proof of this the accused should not be found guilty.

    Other countries have become aware of the abuses occurring in Ethiopia. The UN Committee Against Torture have pointed out how much the government isn't doing to decrease the amount of human rights violations in there in country. Torture, especially in prisons, has become an increasing problem in Ethiopia. Since some of the torture is being carried out by the government, a lot of what is being sone is ignored. Most of the abused spoke out against the government and as such were said to be terrorist. Anyone who speaks out against policies are quickly dealt with.

    The Ethiopian government has refuted most allegations in regards to human right violations. One claim was that the government was using developmental aid for political needs. Bereket Simon, the Ethiopian communications minister, angrily denied that accusation. He said that the Human Rights Watch, the ones who reported the claim, were just frustrated because they didn't have an office in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the major consumers of developmental aid.

    Works Cited

    Roble, Muhyadin. "AfricaNews - Ethiopia Refutes Human Rights Allegations - The AfricaNews Articles of Muhyadin." - Sharing Views on Africa. 07 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    "The UN Committee Against Torture Alarmed by Severe Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia." Human Rights House Network. 23 Nov. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

    Robert. "Ethiopia: Christian Sentenced to Three Years in Prison on Unsubstantiated Accusation of Defacing Qur'an." Jihad Watch. 2 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. .

  66. India is one of the poorest countries in the world. Eight of its poorest states are as poor as 26 of Africa's poorest countries. Poverty in India has gone up 23% since 2001. It is believed that by next year there will be 93.06 million people in India living in the slums. The rural population of India depends on agriculture. They depend on rain patterns and monsoon season if these two factors are inadequate the amount of crops growing will be low. The caste system is also a major reason of poverty in India people in the lower parts of the caste system do not have basic opportunities. Basic things like an education are not given to people in poverty. Another reason for poverty in India is it's strict labour laws.
    There are organizations like AZAD India foundation that try to help the unemployed youth in India and AID Association for India's Development which tries to help India's development. AID helps by lighting up the homes of India. India has had a miraculous economic growth. Barack Obama has called India an "already risen" power. India is growing economically faster then the United States. Today India has an attractive business center for automobile manufacturers.

    Kapur, Akash "Understanding the Puzzling Nature of Poverty" 18 Nov. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010

    Singh, Mahendra Kumar "93 million slumdwellers by next year" 04 Sept. 2010. Web. 07 Dec. 2010.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. In China, human rights are violated every day. China is a communist nation. The people of china have very little power and are mistreated by their government constantly. Many have been thrown in jail for just exercising their own personal opinions and beliefs. The root of this problem is the government. The government in China holds too much power. The government abuses its citizens if they practice anything other than communism. The Chinese government wants to control its people even if it means throwing them in jail and creating a sense of fear. All Chinese citizens are affected by this, because under communism everyone is the same social class. Because of china’s social structure, it is very easy to keep control over the citizens. All of the power in China is held by the government. In a democracy the government is run for and by the people. In a communist nation, the government runs the whole country. The government is too involved and it becomes corrupt over time. Eventually the government holds too much power and they run things their way or the highway. Organizations such as the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have accused the Chinese government of restricting the freedoms of speech, movement, and religion of its citizens. The Chinese government argues that they must consider the economic and social opportunities as well as their culture and the level of development in the country. Many human rights organizations have been formed because of the crisis in China such as Human Rights in China, Chinese Human Rights Defenders and China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group.
    “Extreme Measures Used to Control Blind Rights Defender Chen Guangcheng” HRIC. Dec. 2010. Web Nov. 2010
    “Democracy Activist Qin Yongmin Released from Prison after 12-Year Sentence” HRIC. Dec. 2010. Web Nov. 2010
    “Joint Statement: Freedom for Liu Xiaobo and All Imprisoned by the Chinese Government for Exercising Their Rights” HRIC. Dec. 2010. Web Dec. 2010

  69. The country im choosing to talk about is japan . japan is going through a major political crisis now , their prime minster has resigned from office just after 8 months in office.this has caused doubts about the countrys political stability .Yukio Hatoyama(prime minister) says the reason he resigned becuase of his inabilty to get rid of the u.s. military camps stationed in japan.When leaving his position in offfice he also convinced his secractary to leave office as well which caused a huge contreversy on the whole situation.This has put a major setback on the democratic party of japan or dpj.The dpj leadership strenght is now being questioned ,since its last represantitive resigned from office . Its reputation as a good alternative to the conservatives is now at stake , the dpj is trying to hold on.

  70. Israel is a nation founded on many years of bloodshed and war. Compared to its neighboring countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) Israel began small and defenseless. It started to grow accumulating far more territories than it had initially allotted. Although its people were repressed many years before, Israel has began to show signs of impunity towards International Humanitarian laws, especially towards Palestinians and other non- Jewish people for example, they intentionally allot 85% of the water to Jews and the rest is divided amongst all Palestinians in the territories. This act clearly defies the no discrimination laws in article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. For decades Israel has routinely sent assassins to eliminate civilian enemies to the political system, which also goes directly against the humanitarian law.
