Sunday, December 19, 2010

UK Test Review and some reminders

REMINDER: If you committed to donating a gift for the children's shelter, PLEASE bring it in tomorrow, Mon. 12/20. If you wrap it please mark with age and gender of gift and intitals if possible. If you still want to give but didn't get a specific gift request, bring anything but mark it appropriately if it's wrapped.


Review the following terms and concepts:

Prime Minister
Royal Assent into Law
House of Commons
House of Lords
Law Lords
Life Peers
Hereditary Peers
Shadow Ministers
Question Time
Front bench
Back bench
British National Party / Conservative
Labout Party/ Liberal
Liberal Democrats/ New Labour Party
Separation of powers between Government and Parliament
Standing Room
Ratification of Bills (process)
Powers of the Monarch
Selection of Prime Minister
Seating in Parliament
David Cameron
Gordon Brown
Tony Blair
Members of UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Ulster (Northern Ireland)
Irish Republican Army*
Republic of Ireland*

*note- as we just began studying Ireland, there will be very limited and OPTIONAL (as in short answer choices) regarding this topic.

We are in the MAC lab in the Library finishing your political system videos Monday.

Also, be sure to pick up a copy of the Trailer Treatment project rubric from me TOMORROW. This assignment is essentialy a scaffolded proposal for your group trailer final assessment it will be due the Wednesday we return from break, 12/5.

Have a fun and safe holiday with your family and friends. Best wishes and health in the New Year and always. It's a real gift working with the class of 2011 everyday. :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Comparative Government Human Rights Film Trailer Study

In order to help you think through the format of your Political Issue Documentary or Feature trailer project, you and your Production Team are asked to view and analyze at least SIX trailers from the links below. You must view at least two documentary and two feature trailers. These should be a mix of ametur and professionally produced films.

Features (trailers available for view in large format at click on “trailers” or, simply google the title of the film and trailer " ___________ trailer"):

City of God - street children in Brazil
Paradise Now- suicide bombing and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Maria Full of Grace- drug trafficking
Osama- women's rights in Afghanistan
Bread and Roses- immigrant worker rights/ labor organizing USA
The Last King of Scotland - dictatorship of Idi Amin in Uganda
Human Trafficking - self explanatory
Taken- Human Trafficking
Slumdog Millionaire- poverty, the caste system and child rights in India
Blood Diamonds- conflict diamonds from Sierra Leone

The Cove: Dolphin slaughter and illegal fishing practices in Japan

God Grew Tired of Us: children of war in Sudan:

Born Into Brothels – young women born into sex trafficking in India

Sicko: Health care in US and Canada

Afghan Star: investigates how increased access to free speech and the growing popularity of POP IDOL is informing cultural values in Post-Taliban Afghanistan

The Dark Side of Chocolate: Child labor and trafficking in Africa:

The Price of Sugar: Child labor and trafficking in Haiti and Domincan Republic

Inheritance - an American woman comes to terms with the Nazi roots of her family's wealth:

Various POV doucmentaries are available for view at:

Several SHORT documentaries concerning global human rights issues are available for view

Rights on the Line - Immigrant Rights:

Bread: Poverty in Guatemala:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog #6: 2nd Marking Period Research Project - Modern Problems and Politics in your Nation of Study

For the final blog assignment of the second marking period you will advance your understanding of the nation you researched for your paper by analyzing recent news articles related to a specific political or human rights issue in that country. The issue or event you select will ultimately shape the film/documentary trailer you will be working on next marking period, so be sure you are genuinely interested in the topic. In addition, it is an EXCELLENT idea to use the issue you've selected for your capstone project if possible. Your research will enhance the international component of that assessment.

You will select and analyze three news articles summarizing the impact of a single poltical or human rights issue in your nation of study.

The articles selected for this assignment must reflect international perspectives (they must be from the media of at least TWO different nations.)

Questions you MUST answer in your summary include:

-WHat are the roots of this problem/conflict?
-Who is being most directly affected?
-Who is responsible or being held responsible?
-How are leaders and organizations working to alleviate this problem?
-How does the structure of power in this nation contribute to or alleviate this problem?

Note: if you haven't completed the first part of this project, please select a nation and move forward with this assignment anyway. I'll be happy to help you chose one - just ask!

Some topics you might like to research include:

-Effects and events of specific wars in your nation of study

-Race based conflict and discrimination

-Women’s suffrage/ voting rights

-Universal suffrage/ voting rights

-Impact of specific leaders and/ or dictators

-Gender parity (difference) and/or discrimination

-Labor issues, strikes, and unions


-Imperial rule and colonialism

-Indigenous/ native rights


-Health crises

-Human trafficking (may be labor or sex work related)

-Pollution, water and waste management



-Child rights issues (soldiers, labor, slavery, orphan crises, health crises, education and infanticide (killing of unwanted babies) are some issues you might chose to focus on)

For the purposes of this assignment you must Cite your THREE internet or printed articles in MLA format( ) will format citations for you in MLA if you have the necessary information.

No fewer than 200 words - articles must be recent (last 5 years)

This is not a pair or group assignment. Even students who are researching the same issues in the same nation should end up with original articles and ideas.

Due: Tuesday, Dec. 7

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Iran Test Review Sheet


Be prepared to discuss and distinguish the roles of lall of the following in Iranian government:

Supreme Leader
Assembly of Experts
Guardian Council
Expediency Council
Revolutionary Guard

Be familiar with the following terms:
sharia law
enlightened despot

Know the signifigance of each of the following figures/ groups in Iranian history:
Quajar Dynasty
Mohamed Reza Shah Pahlavi (1941-1978)
Reza Shah Pahlavi (1925-1941)
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Mahmoud Ahmadinejdad
Neda Agha Soltan

Be familiar with how each of these events/ interests have affected Iranian politics
Cold War
satellite wars/ proxy wars
Iran-Iraq War
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
Kabul War

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can theocracy be democratic? Analyzing government in modern-day Iran

Article 1 of the Iranian Constitution reads:
The form of government of Iran is that of an Islamic Republic, endorsed by the people of Iran on the basis of their longstanding belief in the sovereignty of truth and Koranic justice, in the referendum of 29 and 30, March 1979, through the affirmative vote of a majority of 98.2% of eligible voters, held after the victorious Islamic Revolution led by Imam Khumayni.

Iran's population is 89% Shia Muslim, 9% Sunni Muslim, and 2% split among Judaism and Zoroastrian (the oldest monotheistic religion). As we learned in class, Iran is a theocratic regime that has democratic elements. (See BBC's "Iran, who holds the power?"

This week's blog requires you to analyze some primary and secondary source documents on the experiences of religious minorities in Iran.

1. Summarize the photo essay "Faces of Iran" that documents religion, tradition and modernization in Iran available at:

What do the photos and narration tell you about the experiences of religious minorities in Iran? To what extent are Iranians expressing their individual identities and beliefs in Iran? How is the government postured on civil liberties (individual rights)?

2. Consider the demographics of modern Iran. In a nation where over 90% of the population is Muslim can one argue that a constitution based on the Qu'ran IS democratic? Further, when a nation overwhelmingly favors one belief system, are democracy and theocracy one in the same? (In other words, does it make sense to have religious law when a vast majority of citizens share the same beliefs?)

This blog is due before class on Friday, November 12.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Or does the tail wag the dog? A case study in media and American politics

This week our work will focus on the role of the media in US government and the upcoming 2010 election.
Consider the media analysis activities we completed this week and respond to the following questions with no fewer than TWO specific refences to modern media:

Does media reflect or shape/ inform politics in the modern world?
What role does media play in shaping American political and current events?
How is the media affecting the current US presidential race?

Cite/ link any outside sources you use to compose your response. This assignment may be blogged, typed, written or turned into a video or poster project. It must include 250 words and reflect new understandings from our current unit of study.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Comparative Government Through Film First Marking Period Project
Government Research and Comparison Research Paper

Your final assessment for the first marking period is also the first component of your culminating (term-long) project. There will be no more blogs for the first marking period other than extra credit, so please catch up if you are behind.
Task: Compose a 3-5 page (12 point font, double spaced) research paper analyzing the political history and current government in a nation of your choice excluding Iran, UK (Britain, Ireland, Wales and Scotland), Rwanda and China. The excluded nations are topics we will cover later on in class.

Your paper must include all of the following elements

• A summary of the nation’s political history (has it ever been colonized? Involved in international or civil wars, etc?)
• An explanation of the origins of it’s current political system (including founding documents)
• A description of the nation’s decision and law making process (include checks and balances, crime and punishment, party politics, etc.)
• A brief summary of modern politics in this nation (who is in charge, what are some major issues causing conflict in this nation? Are they engaged in any wars or diplomatic alliances, etc.)?
• A direct quote and reference to the nation’s founding document (constitution)
• An evaluation of people’s rights in this nation (include women’s’ and minority rights in this section)
• A comparison between this nation’s government and the structure of power and state of human rights in the United States (your comparison should incorporate content we’ve covered in class this term- i.e. Bill of Rights, state v. federal power, electoral college, checks and balances, etc.)
• A bibliography (see below)

Include MLA citations of no fewer than 3 specific sources AND the founding document (constitution) of the nation you are researching.

I find and particularly helpful. This paper should not be a laundry list of statistics. Remember to use original language that is a synthesis of several sources (not a patchwork quilt of language from other websites – that’s plagiarism.)

The proper format for citing a website or online article is

Author last, First name (or publishing group), "Title of Article." Title of website (or online magazine/ newspaper.) Date posted.

Francis, Bridgette "The Bill of Rights: In Action or Not?" Comparative Government Through Film Fall 2010 Blogsite. September 19, 2010.

If you can’t find all that information, you should NOT use the site. Wikipedia and are fine sources for background research, but will not count as one of your three credible sources.

You may use to help you create a bibliography from most sources. Remember to have all the publication information handy when you complete this task.

You are expected to show me the beginnings (one page is fine) of notes or your paper itself no later than Wed. Oct. 14.
The research paper itself is due Wed. Oct 20 at the beginning of class.
The end of the marking period is Thurs. Oct. 21 – be sure to turn in your paper by then to ensure a successful grade.
Work will not be accepted later than Thurs. Oct. 21 – if you turn in the paper Friday or after, the grade will count for the second marking period only.

Monday, September 27, 2010

State vs. Federal Power: Case studies in our modern context

Locate TWO news articles related to one of the issues testing the relationship between state and federal powers listed below:

a) immigration law (Arizona is an excellent case)
b) same sex marriage (try searching for California/ Proposition 8, though many states will work for this topic - Hawaii, Vermont, Massachussets, New York, Maine and New Hampshire have all recently taken on this issue)
c) medical marijuana
d) abortion

or an issue of your choice, but ask for permission ahead.

1) Summarize and cite two news articles related to your research topic.
Be sure to explain any discreptencies or differences in opionion that may arise in these news sources. Proper formatting for web citations is: (Author's Last, First Name, "Title of Article", Title of Webpage. Date Posted. ) DO NOT USE AN ARTICLE THAT YOU CAN NOT ACCESS FULL PUBICATION INFORMATION FOR.

2) Explain how this case study tests the authority of the federal government.

3) What laws and Constitutional clauses are relevant to this case?

4) In your opinion, are the laws of the state in question compatible with federal law? If not, why do you believe the state has been able to legislate (pass laws) in this manner?

Minimum 250 words. Posts not including citation information will not be eligible for a grade higher than N on this post.

Due Friday, October 1 by the begining of class.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Bill of Rights: In Action or Not?

Directions: Actively read the following article, "Artist Depicts the Bill of Rights in a World Out of Joint" - New York Times, 2002. (also available for view at:

1. Based on the following NY Times article, "Artist Depicts the Bill of Rights in a World Out of Joint", summarize Richard Minsky’s (the artists’) view on the Bill of Rights and it’s role in modern US society.

2. Analyze two of his criticisms based on your knowledge of US government and the Bill of Rights. (Do you agree/ disagree/ relate to his opinion? Explain.)

3. Finally, respond to the following question: Is the Bill of Rights reflected in or distorted in modern US society. Refer to anecdotal (personal stories) or academic evidence to support your answer.

Your blog must be a miniminum of 250 words and include a response to at least one other student's post.

For your reference, a copy of the Bill of Rights is available HERE:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to Comparative Government Through Film... now let's find a way to put the "U" in government!

From the Vote Again in 2010 blog (

"Students and other millennials are an important and growing portion of the electorate. They will be 20% of the voting age population in 2010, up from 17% in 2008. They are much more progressive than the population as a whole, and will increasingly become the key voting block among the electorate. Yet they remain significantly underrepresented among registered voters."

This means that as young people, your generation holds one fifth of the potential voting power in the nation, but will only express a fraction of that power at the polls this election year. Youth tend to vote similarly on issues that mean the most to them (civil liberties, war and education ranking highest among those concerns). Those who do "rock the vote" may be discouraged by the inaction among public officials on "youth issues", leading to an even less impressive young voter turnout in the following election. This cycle could certainly have dire implications on your generation's quality of life. Our first assignment for this class aims to identify the causes and consequences of apathy and inaciton among young voters.

Compose an informed, opinionated blog discussing the reasons why young people should vote and/ or explore the reasons why young people may believe that their vote is irrelevant.


Consider the questions introduced in today's class through the framework of the "Vote Again in 2010" contest. Post a response to each of the following three questions for a total of no fewer than 250 words. Review the blog post rubric on this site to ensure success with this assignment.

1. This fall elections will be held in New York to determine who will serve as Govenor, Attourney General and as Congressmen/ women. If you were/ are eligible, do you plan to vote in 2010? Why or why not?

2.Why should young people vote? What are some other meaningful ways for young people to engage in politics?

3. How do you plan to inspire participation in our democracy? If you're not inspired to participate, what changes in society might motivate you to become a more politically active citizen?

This assignment is due tuesday at the begining of class (this gives you time for religious and/ or memorial observances you may be taking part in this weekend). Please remember to bring in your signed class contract and media release form on Monday, September 13.

You may view the video and get some ideas for responses at the contest website:

***The Voteagain2010 video will not work on the school server, so be sure to complete this assignment at home or in your local library. I've conveniently listed a link to the New York Public Library's schedule and locations here: (Note: you do not need a library card to use a public library computer, any photo ID will suffice.)

Extra Credit (up to 20 test or project points)is available to any student(s) who complete a Vote Again in 2010 contest entry and post it to the Internet by October 8. See me for details.